
animate.css is used by 2.48% of sites

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UI frameworks
Animate.css is a popular CSS animation library that provides a collection of pre-built CSS classes for adding animated effects to HTML elements. It offers a wide range of ready-to-use animations that can be easily applied to elements on a web page without the need for complex JavaScript code or custom CSS animations.

Key features and characteristics of Animate.css include:

Easy Integration: Animate.css can be easily integrated into your web project by including the library's CSS file in your HTML document. Once included, you can apply the provided CSS classes to elements on your page to apply animations.

Pre-built Animations: Animate.css provides a comprehensive set of pre-built animations that cover various types of effects, such as fade-in, slide-in, zoom-in, rotate, bounce, and more. These animations can be used to bring elements to life, add visual interest, or create interactive and engaging user experiences.

Cross-browser Compatibility: Animate.css is designed to work across different web browsers and platforms. It includes compatibility fixes and fallbacks to ensure consistent animation behavior, even on older browsers that may not fully support the latest CSS features.

Lightweight and Performant: Animate.css is lightweight and optimized for performance. The animations are implemented using CSS transitions and keyframes, which leverage the browser's built-in animation capabilities. This approach minimizes the need for JavaScript-based animations, resulting in smoother performance and reduced overhead.

Customization Options: Animate.css allows for customization to match your design requirements. You can modify the animation duration, delay, easing, or add additional CSS rules to further tailor the animations to your specific needs.

Multiple Animation Triggers: Animate.css provides different ways to trigger animations. You can apply animations on page load, on hover or mouse events, on scroll events, or through JavaScript by toggling CSS classes dynamically.

Flexible Integration: Animate.css can be used with various web development frameworks and libraries, such as Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular, React, and more. It can seamlessly integrate with existing projects and enhance the visual appeal without disrupting the overall development workflow.

Scalability and Reusability: Animate.css follows a modular approach, allowing you to easily reuse and combine animation classes on different elements. This enables you to create complex animations by chaining multiple CSS classes or applying different animations at different stages.

Community Support and Documentation: Animate.css has a large and active community of developers, offering support, examples, and inspiration. The library provides comprehensive documentation and usage guidelines, making it easy to get started and explore the available animations.

Animate.css is a popular choice for adding eye-catching animations to web projects, whether it's a simple webpage, a single-page application, or a full-fledged website. Its simplicity and extensive collection of animations make it an accessible tool for developers and designers to create visually appealing and engaging user experiences.