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JavaScript Frameworks
Prototype, in the context of JavaScript, refers to an object-oriented programming concept where objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects. It is a fundamental mechanism for creating reusable code and implementing inheritance in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, every object has an associated prototype object. The prototype object serves as a blueprint or template for creating new objects of the same type. When a property or method is accessed on an object, JavaScript checks if the object itself has that property or method. If not, it looks for it in the object's prototype chain, which includes the object's prototype and its prototype's prototype, and so on, until it finds the property or method or reaches the end of the prototype chain.

The prototype object is typically defined using the prototype property of a constructor function or an object literal. The properties and methods defined on the prototype are shared among all instances created from the constructor function or object.

By using prototypes, developers can achieve code reusability and implement inheritance in JavaScript. Objects can inherit properties and methods from their prototype, reducing code duplication and allowing for efficient memory usage. When a property or method is accessed on an object, JavaScript only looks up the prototype chain if the property or method is not found directly on the object.