
Nuxt.js is used by 0.13% of sites

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JavaScript Frameworks
Web Frameworks
Web Servers
Static Site Generator
Nuxt.js is a progressive framework for building web applications using Vue.js. It is inspired by Next.js, a similar framework for React. Nuxt.js aims to make the development of universal or server-side rendered (SSR) Vue.js applications easier by providing a structured and opinionated setup.

Here are some key features of the Nuxt framework:

Universal Application: Nuxt allows you to create server-rendered applications with Vue.js. This means that your Vue components can be rendered on the server and sent to the client as fully rendered HTML, which improves the initial load time and enables search engine optimization (SEO).

Routing: Nuxt provides a powerful routing system based on the Vue Router. You can define your routes using a file-based approach, which makes it easy to create nested routes and organize your project structure.

Automatic Code Splitting: Nuxt automatically analyzes your application and generates optimized bundles for each page, resulting in smaller initial downloads for your users. This feature is based on webpack's code splitting functionality.

Vuex Store: Nuxt includes Vuex, the state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications. With Nuxt, you can easily create a centralized store for managing your application's state.

Server Middleware: Nuxt allows you to define server middleware, which can be used for handling custom server-side logic. This gives you flexibility to integrate with external APIs, manipulate requests, and perform server-side tasks.

Static Site Generation (SSG): Nuxt supports both SSR and static site generation. With SSG, Nuxt can pre-generate your website as static HTML files during the build process. This is useful for websites that don't require real-time data and can benefit from the performance advantages of serving static files.

Extensibility: Nuxt is highly extensible and allows you to add plugins and modules to enhance your development experience. There is a rich ecosystem of community-contributed modules that provide additional functionality and integrations with various tools and libraries.

Overall, Nuxt.js provides a powerful framework for building Vue.js applications with server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, routing, and other features that make development efficient and optimized for performance.