MailChimp for WordPress

MailChimp for WordPress is used by 0.08% of sites

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WordPress plugins
Marketing Automation
MailChimp for WordPress is a plugin that integrates the popular email marketing platform MailChimp with WordPress websites. It allows website owners to seamlessly connect their WordPress site with their MailChimp account, enabling them to build email lists, create and send newsletters, and automate email marketing campaigns.

The MailChimp for WordPress plugin offers a range of features and functionalities, including:

Signup Forms: The plugin provides customizable signup forms that can be easily embedded on WordPress pages, posts, sidebars, or any other widget-ready areas. These forms allow visitors to subscribe to your email list directly from your website.

Integration with MailChimp: The plugin syncs your WordPress site with your MailChimp account, ensuring that subscriber information is automatically added to your MailChimp email lists.

Customizable Forms and Fields: You can create and customize your signup forms to match your website's branding. The plugin supports various form field types, including text fields, checkboxes, dropdowns, and more.

Opt-in Settings: MailChimp for WordPress provides options to enable double opt-in or single opt-in for subscribers, allowing you to choose how users confirm their subscription.

GDPR Compliance: The plugin includes features to help you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It provides options to display consent checkboxes and manage user data privacy.

Seamless Integration: MailChimp for WordPress integrates with popular WordPress plugins and form builders, making it easy to connect your email marketing efforts with other functionalities on your website.

Analytics and Reports: The plugin provides insights and analytics on your email campaigns, allowing you to track subscriber activity, open rates, click-through rates, and more.

MailChimp for WordPress simplifies the process of collecting subscribers and managing email marketing campaigns directly from your WordPress website. It offers a user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and powerful integration with MailChimp, making it a popular choice for WordPress users who want to leverage the power of email marketing.