
Cufon is used by 0.06% of sites

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Font Scripts
Cufon is a JavaScript-based font replacement technique that allows you to use custom fonts on websites by converting them into a format that can be rendered as images using HTML canvas or VML (Vector Markup Language) in older versions of Internet Explorer.

Here's how Cufon works:

Font Conversion: First, you need to convert your desired custom font into a format supported by Cufon. This is typically done using the Cufon Font Generator, a tool that converts TrueType or OpenType font files into a JavaScript file containing the font data.

JavaScript Integration: Once the font is converted, you include the generated JavaScript file in your web page. This file contains the font data and the necessary JavaScript functions to replace the text elements with the custom font.

Text Replacement: After including the Cufon JavaScript file, you specify which elements on your web page should be replaced with the custom font. This is typically done by applying CSS selectors to target specific elements or classes.

Rendering: When the web page loads, Cufon replaces the targeted text elements with images rendered using the custom font. The images are generated dynamically using HTML canvas or VML and are displayed in place of the original text. This allows the custom font to be used even if the user doesn't have it installed on their system.

Cufon offers advantages such as improved typographic flexibility and consistency across different browsers and operating systems. It also provides better control over typography and allows the use of unique and custom fonts that may not be widely available.

However, it's worth noting that Cufon has some limitations and considerations:

Performance: Cufon relies on generating and rendering images for text, which can impact performance, especially on pages with large amounts of text. It may lead to longer load times and slower rendering compared to using standard web fonts.

Accessibility and SEO: Since Cufon replaces text with images, it can potentially affect accessibility for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers. Additionally, search engines may have difficulty indexing text rendered as images, impacting SEO.

Compatibility: Cufon requires JavaScript and HTML canvas support in the browser. While it works in most modern browsers, older or less common browsers may not support it fully or at all. Additionally, some mobile devices may have limited support for Cufon.

License and Copyright: It's essential to ensure that you have the appropriate licenses and rights to use and distribute the custom fonts you convert and include with Cufon.

Due to these limitations and advancements in web font technologies like CSS3 @font-face, Cufon has become less popular in recent years. Developers often prefer using web fonts directly through CSS for better performance, accessibility, and search engine friendliness.