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Web Servers
Cowboy is a lightweight and efficient web server written in the Erlang programming language. It is designed for building high-performance and scalable web applications and is known for its low resource consumption and concurrency handling capabilities.

Here are some key features and characteristics of the Cowboy web server:

Performance: Cowboy is optimized for performance and can handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently. It uses asynchronous I/O and an event-driven architecture to maximize throughput and minimize resource usage.

Lightweight: Cowboy is designed to be lightweight, both in terms of memory footprint and code complexity. It is built using the Erlang/OTP platform, which is known for its lightweight processes and excellent concurrency handling.

Web Protocols: Cowboy supports multiple web protocols, including HTTP, HTTP/2, and WebSockets. It provides a flexible routing mechanism that allows you to define URL patterns and map them to request handlers.

WebSocket Support: Cowboy has built-in support for WebSockets, allowing you to establish full-duplex communication channels between the client and the server. This makes it easy to build real-time applications that require bi-directional data transfer.

RESTful Routing: Cowboy provides a simple and intuitive routing API that allows you to define RESTful routes for your web application. You can define URL patterns, specify HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), and map them to appropriate request handlers.

Streaming Support: Cowboy supports streaming of large files or chunks of data, which is useful for handling file uploads, video streaming, or other scenarios where data needs to be sent or received in smaller portions.

SSL/TLS Encryption: Cowboy supports SSL/TLS encryption, allowing you to secure your web applications with HTTPS. It provides options for configuring SSL certificates, cipher suites, and other security-related settings.

WebSocket and HTTP/2 Push: Cowboy supports WebSocket and HTTP/2 Push functionalities. WebSocket Push allows the server to proactively send data to connected WebSocket clients, while HTTP/2 Push enables the server to push resources to the client before they are requested.

Compatibility and Interoperability: Cowboy is compatible with various web frameworks and libraries in the Erlang ecosystem. It can be used with popular frameworks like Phoenix and Nitrogen, making it a flexible choice for building web applications.

Cowboy is widely used in the Erlang and Elixir communities for developing high-performance web applications, APIs, and real-time systems. Its efficient concurrency handling and lightweight nature make it suitable for applications that require scalability and responsiveness.