
CentOS is used by 1.39% of sites

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Operating Systems
CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution based on the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It aims to provide a free, open-source, and community-driven alternative to RHEL, offering long-term support and stability for servers and enterprise environments.

Key features and characteristics of CentOS include:

Stability and Long-Term Support: CentOS is known for its stability and reliability, making it suitable for production servers and critical business applications. It benefits from the extensive testing and development efforts of the CentOS community.

Binary Compatibility with RHEL: CentOS is built from the same source code as RHEL and aims to be binary compatible with it. This means that software and packages designed for RHEL can typically run on CentOS without compatibility issues.

Community-Driven Development: CentOS is maintained and developed by a community of volunteers who work together to provide updates, security patches, and bug fixes. The community follows the same upstream sources as RHEL and aims to maintain compatibility while adding their own enhancements.

Security and Updates: CentOS provides regular security updates and patches to address vulnerabilities and ensure system security. It benefits from the security measures and practices of the wider Linux community.

Package Management: CentOS uses the YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) package manager (and its newer version, DNF) for package installation, removal, and updates. YUM/DNF simplifies software management and allows administrators to easily install and manage packages and dependencies.

Server-Focused: CentOS is particularly well-suited for server deployments, including web servers, database servers, file servers, and other enterprise-level applications. It offers a minimalistic installation option and focuses on stability and performance.

Documentation and Community Support: CentOS provides extensive documentation, guides, and forums where users can find support and assistance. The CentOS community is known for its helpfulness and active engagement in addressing user queries and providing solutions.

CentOS has been widely adopted by businesses, organizations, and individuals looking for a free and stable Linux distribution for their server infrastructure. However, it's important to note that CentOS has undergone significant changes as of December 2020. The CentOS Project shifted its focus to CentOS Stream, a rolling-release distribution that serves as a testing ground for future versions of RHEL. CentOS Stream does not offer the same long-term support and stability as the previous CentOS releases. Users seeking an alternative may consider other RHEL-based distributions such as AlmaLinux or Oracle Linux.