Abusive Experience (47903 total domains)

Google Abusive Experience refers to the practices that violate Google's policies and guidelines regarding the user experience of online ads. These are typically deceptive or intrusive practices that negatively impact the browsing experience of users. Google actively works to identify and address abusive experiences to ensure a safe and positive advertising ecosystem.

List of sites with Abusive Experience Report statuses of "Failing" for Dec 21, 2024

Root domain:
Last Change Time: 2023-06-25 05:27:48
Enforcement: On
EnforcementTime: 2023-06-25 05:27:48
Status: Failing
Last Change Time: 2019-11-23 14:16:54
Enforcement: On
EnforcementTime: 2019-11-23 14:16:53
Status: Failing
Last Change Time: 2022-12-24 10:57:31
Enforcement: On
EnforcementTime: 2022-12-24 10:57:31
Status: Failing