Top Ranked LGBTQ Sites

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Daily Visitors:
Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit durationDaily visitors
Fab ***: Meet local *** *** for free
15.20 23.09 13:53 247.8K
500 Internal Server Error
bullchat is an anonymous *** chatroom. a ***-bar / cruising area.
15.76 39.09 22:33 116K
*** - *** areas and spots to practice Cruising
The world's most complete *** directory to practice Cruising
31.61 14.29 07:22 95.6K
MEN'S NET JAPAN ゲイ バイ 同性愛 出会い
24.22 15.77 12:23 73.8K
Out Magazine - *** & *** Travel, Fashion, Culture & Politics
OUT defines and articulates the contribution of *** men and women to the culture through a provocative blend of fashion, pop culture, and journalism, inspiring readers to consider the ever-evolving meaning of ***.
50.04 5.12 01:17 66.1K
***ir er Norges største og beste møteplass for homofile, bifile, transpersoner og andre skeive
32.76 11.50 11:52 25.9K
YT5s - Free YouTube Video Downloader (1080p & 4K)
YT5s is a free, fast, and online YouTube Downloader that allows you to download and convert high-quality YouTube videos such as 720p, 1080p and 4K.
28.69 4.94 02:18 52.1K
PinkNews | LGBT+ news | Latest ***, ***, bi and trans news
News and views for the *** community in the UK and beyond
LGBT+ news, features and opinion from the UK and worldwide. PinkNews leads the way in ***, ***, *** and transgender news.
69.39 2.18 01:08 105.1K
***, ***, Bi***ual, Transgender, *** News & Politics
The Advocate is the world’s leading source of LGBT news and information capturing the political and cultural conversations of the community through award-winning journalism, compelling photography and video, and vital commentary for over 50 years.
54.66 3.56 01:12 58.8K
XL - ***Tube - Free *** Tube
This page shows the most po***r free *** videos. Regular updates every day, so you can watch new & *** *** videos here.
41.04 6.76 07:24 28K
PinkNews | LGBTQ+ news | Latest ***, ***, bi and trans news
LGBTQ+ news, features and opinion from the UK and worldwide. PinkNews leads the way in ***, ***, bi***ual and transgender news.
33.38 1.34 02:03 92K
The Eunuch Archive
Stories focusing on male and female castration.
25.39 21.09 28:16 4.1K
Attention Required! | Cloudflare
das schwule online *** magazin aus oesterreich - news eventpics community termine s*** clubs galerie chat
17.46 12.49 10:25 6.6K
LGBTQ Nation - The Most Followed LGBTQ News Source
the most followed lgbtq news source
77.04 1.62 01:13 47.9K
Just a moment...
***.it - make it as you like! da oltre venti anni ogni giorno le news dal mondo ***: news, diritti lgbtq, pride, eventi, o***bia, forum, video, foto...
30.51 3.08 01:19 20.8K
Joooint | ***,Lifestyle,Nightlife,Play,Travel in Japan/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Korea | Joooint *** Life Navigator
*** Bars,Events,Meals,Clubbing,Club Activities,Massages,Spa,Sauna,***,Lifestyle,Nightlife,Play,Travel in Japan/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Korea. With Jooint, you can search for information in a variety of languages, including the *** Bars,Events,Meals,Clubbing,Club Activities,Massages,Spa,Sauna,***,Lifestyle,Nightlife,Play,Travel of where you live and where you travel.Jooint does its own coverage of various stores, so there are a lot of in-store photos and accurate feature reviews. In addition to the comments of the customers of the store, information such as the customer base and atmosphere of the regular customers is posted in order to convey the actual atmosphere of the store.
39.52 8.00 04:53 7.2K
Easy *** Chat
65.88 10.17 11:39 5.6K
59.18 2.57 01:27 17K · The FREE *** social network. Videos, profiles, chat, and more!
Login today for free *** videos, galleries, profiles and chat.
51.78 7.07 02:33 4.1K
*** Travel - Tourism, Destinations, Holidays & LGBT Travel Guide
Resource and magazine with destination articles, city guides, and information on clubs, bars, hotels, and events around the world.
Out Traveler brings you the latest ***-friendly travel. Plan your getaway with our guides to the world's best beaches, vacation spots, tours and packages.
58.22 4.78 01:24 5.3K
Americas Favorite LGBT Site • Follow Yours…
The Top Destination For LGBT News, Entertainment, Travel, Health and so much more!
71.66 1.81 00:54 11.9K
At Stonewall, we stand for ***, ***, bi, trans, ***, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be ourselves and can live our lives to the full.
67.32 1.98 01:24 9.4K
BAKALA.ORG - The Spanish *** chat app
BAKALA.ORG is the reference Hispanic and Latino *** chat. The best *** dating app in Spain and Latin America. The dating app for scally *** who also like men
21.79 8.20 05:09 1.9K
2024 Anti-Trans Bills: Trans Legislation Tracker
2024 anti-trans bills tracker. Explore data on U.S. anti-trans bills including passed bills and themes including sports, bathrooms, healthcare, pronouns, drag shows, and education.
47.32 6.84 02:49 2.2K
78.12 1.33 02:00 9.9K
Home - Genspect
latest from genspect providing ***ysis from different perspectives around the world latest from pitt we’re proud to be partnered with pitt – parents with inconvenient truths about trans. many parents are concerned about their kids’ healthcare: pitt’s substack makes sure their voices are heard. join genspect show the world you share our concerns by joining … home read more »
46.57 3.13 10:20 3.9K
***Travel - Your Guide to *** Tours, ***cations & *** Frired endly Hotels
***Travel is one of the top websites for LGBTQ travelers looking for ***-friendly destinations and activities, including *** tours and cruises.
68.66 1.64 00:27 6.2K
La Brussels Pride - In the Capital of Europe 2024 est un jour incontournable pour la communauté LGBTQIA+ de Belgique et la défense de leurs droits. Cette année, la Brussels Pride adopte le slogan : "Safe Everyday Everywhere".
50.52 3.44 05:26 2.8K
*** Asia - News, Commentary, Community | Empowering LGBT Asia
Connect with *** Asia, read LGBT news, meet people in your area and find ***-friendly businesses. Join Asia's largest *** and *** community for free!
43.04 4.57 02:27 1.7K
Caffmos Community - free *** dating / *** chat for *** men, silverdaddies
caffmos community - free *** dating and *** chat. a community for older *** men, *** singles, silverdaddies, *** bears *** seniors, senior admirers, tv, tg, cd and ts
48.54 3.16 07:16 2.3K
Dom Sub Living - BDSM + Kink Tips
BDSM + Kink Tips
63.08 2.41 01:57 3K
***-fest - Revista online pentru inspiratie in fiecare zi!
70.37 2.99 02:05 2.3K
ROMEO | ***, Bi and Trans Dating and Chat | Dates. Friends. Love
The top choice for ***, bi and trans dating. Find dates, make friends and fall in love on the ROMEO website, iOS or Android app. Happy dating!
90.39 1.12 00:32 5.3K
Ready to join? SIGN UP The Daddyhunt Experience Daddyhunt brings over 15 years of experience to the table in fostering an online community of respect and admiration. Whether or not you identify as a *** Daddy or not, you never have to lie about your age (or anything else) to meet other men. The Daddyhunt
31.03 2.84 01:18 2K
Bandar TOGEL ONLINE GOTOTO Dengan Keluaran Angka Keberuntungan Akurat
Bandar TOGEL ONLINE GOTOTO penyedia hasil seluruh keluaran togel dunia dengan prediksi angka yang kuat dan akurat.
80.88 1.23 00:17 3.7K
Hay una ***a en mi sopa
Películas lésbicas, series lésbicas, música, noticias, humor, entretenimiento... todo para mujeres ***as, bi***uales, trans, *** y LGBTQI en general
59.19 1.63 00:43 2.7K
New from TransActual Recent statements and press releases Read more statements and press releases Talk to your MP If you're trans or you have a friend or family member, it's a good idea to talk to your local MP about the many issues impacting trans people in the UK. You could write to them, but…
57.00 1.68 02:02 2.2K
Art Bezrukavenko
Art Bezrukavenko's home for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and more.
77.52 1.62 01:56 2.2K
Fluently Forward
Manhattan millennial humorously blogging about dating, social media, and using the workplace bathroom properly. World renowned blog. Very good writing. Pulitzer nominee.
74.44 1.61 01:40 2.1K
Progetto Gionata - Portale su fede e omosessualità
Portale di approfondimento su fede cristiana e omosessualità che raccoglie esperienze, riflessioni e studi in ambito cristiano
82.18 1.51 01:14 2.1K
Mile - Rethinking Ad Tech for Digital Publishers
Partner with a Google Certified Publishing Partner to Improve Programmatic Ad Revenue with Industry Leading Software, Tools and Support
53.81 1.56 00:48 1.8K
*** Majority
Crushed between prudish traditionalism and dour activism culture, society desperately needs to get laid.
67.10 1.21 01:35 1.9K
Race Equality Matters
RACE EQUALITY MATTERS - A UK collaboration of thousands of organisations and millions of employees creating change to achieve Race Equality
63.95 1.58 00:35 1.4K
Pride St. Louis
35.02 1.16 02:19 1.7K
Seta ry
Seta on sateenkaari-ihmisten ihmisoikeus- ja kansalaisjärjestö. Ihmisoikeustyön lisäksi Seta tarjoaa asiantuntija- ja koulutuspalveluita ja tukee jäsenjärjestöjensä toimintaa.
55.59 1.20 01:18 1.7K
Home - Los Angeles LGBT Center
Join the largest *** community online and meet *** in your area now. *** dating, chat, personals and networking, plus the latest news on *** issues.
77.96 1.18 00:05 1.5K
Home | SEGM
historically, the small numbers of children presenting with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent males. in recent years, there has been a sharp increase in referrals of adolescents, and particularly adolescent females, to gender clinics. many do not have a significant history of childhood gender dysphoria and a number suffer from comorbid mental health issues and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism (asd) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd). the reasons for these changes are understudied and remain poorly understood. childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological *** during puberty. the research into the course of gender dysphoria desistance among the cohort presenting with adolescent-onset gender dysphoria is still in its infancy, due to the novelty of this presentation. however, recent research from the uk clinic po***tion suggests that 10-12% of youth may be detransitioning within 16 months to 5 years of initiating medical interventions, with an additional 20-22% discontinuing treatments for a range of reasons. the researchers noted that the detransition rate found in the recently-presenting po***tion raises critical questions about the phenomenon of "overdiagnosis, overtreatment, or iatrogenic harm as found in other medical fields."
56.56 1.03 02:13 1.6K
for stronger lgbt+ communities
59.44 0.90 01:03 1.5K
The Dewdrop — read deep, breathe easy
The Dewdrop is a digital journal with a passion for reading, writing, and being. Since 2018.
62.98 0.79 01:01 1.5K
Affirmative Psychotherapy Training | Affirmative Couch
The Affirmative Couch is an APA-approved CE sponsor offering virtual CEs for therapists about CNM-, kink-, & LGBTQ-affirmative psychotherapy.
77.74 0.77 01:37 1.4K