'Zk rollup' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Zk rollup'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap brings more people easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security.
46.02 3.44 05:19
zkSync — Rely on math, not validators
zkSync is a ZK rollup solving Ethereum scalability with zero security compromises.
45.23 3.90 14:13
RabbitX DeFi Derivatives Exchange. Decentralised Perpetuals on Starknet
Decentralised Derivatives Exchange (DEX) built on Starknet. Decentralised Perpetuals with 20x leverage, zero fees and max security. Global access. DeFi, evolved.
58.13 1.60 01:07
Ritsu - Swap on Taiko
A based decentralized exchange on Taiko network with hyper efficiency and user friendly experience.
64.76 2.03 10:10
INTMAX - NTMAX is the first L2 as ZK-Rollup to deliver both hyper-scaling and true security.
INTMAX is the first L2 as ZK-Rollup to deliver both hyper-scaling and true security.
92.08 1.40 02:09
zkSync — Rely on math, not validators | zkSync — Rely on math, not validators
zkSync is a ZK rollup solving Ethereum scalability with zero security compromises.
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SyncSwap Testnet - Staging
SyncSwap is a powerful and seamless decentralized exchange built on zkSync 2.0, the next-generation Ethereum ZK rollups.
n/a 0.00 n/a
zkSync — Accelerating the mass adoption of crypto for personal sovereignty.
zkSync is a ZK rollup that represents the end-game for scaling Ethereum - one that scales its technology and values without degrading security or decentralization.
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