'Voice of america' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Voice of america'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
VOA - Voice of America English News
English news from the Voice of America. VOA provides complete coverage of the U.S, Asia, Africa and the Mideast.
32.11 1.61 00:57
美国之音中文网 您可靠的信息来源
美国之音是您的可靠和准确的有关中国、美国和国际新闻的来源。欢迎浏览美国之音中文网阅读最新的报道,收听收看美国之音电视广播节目或练习您的英语。 Voice of America Chinese is your source for reliable and accurate news about China, the United States and the World. Read the latest news, watch VOA TV, listen to one of our radio programs or practice your English.
52.35 0.00 07:51
Zëri i Amerikës: Emisioni televiziv Ditari sjell pranë jush lajmet më të fundit nga bota, korrespondencat nga rajoni, intervista dhe ***iza me tema nga më të larmishmet. Ju mund të gjeni gjithashtu të rejat e fundit nga mjekësia dhe shkenca, si edhe nga bota e artit. Ditari transmetohet çdo ditë në orën 18:00. Ditari mund të ndiqet njëkohësisht edhe në valët e radios. The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 150 million people
n/a 2.63 n/a
Muryar Amurka
An kafa sashen Hausa na Muryar Amurka ran 21 ga watan Junairu, shekara ta 1979, domin watsa labaran duniya da shirye-shirye zuwa ga Hausawa da masu jin harshen Hausa a duk fadin duniya, musamman ma yammacin Afirka kamar kasashen Nigeria, Ghana, Nijar, Chadi, Libya, Cote d’Ivoire da wasu sassan janhuriyar Benin. Sashen Hausa na watsa sa’oi 13.5 na shirye-shirye a kowace mako, ta radiyo da yanar intanet. Sashen kuma na buga labaran gida Najeria, da sauran duniya, da bidiyon manyan labaran Afirka daga ran Litinin zuwa Juma’a akan shafinsa na intanet. Shirye-shiryen sashen sun hada da labarai masu zafi , da rahotannin wakilai daga duk fadin duniya, tattaunawa da manyan jami’an gwamnatoci, ganawa da masu fashin baki, fadakarwa daga malamai da manazarta, dauka da watsa ra’ayoyin masu sauraro da suke bayarwa a rubuce, ta waya kai tsaye da kuma ta email.
n/a 2.60 n/a
Sagalee Ameerikaa
VOA Afaan Oromoo
n/a 1.80 n/a
ooBdoo®.......Information Network
ooBdoo Information Network latest news on everything and anything. Get up to the minute news and information from around the world.
n/a 1.60 n/a
Voice of America
n/a 2.50 n/a
73.46 1.10 24:30
Ethiobest Tube watch best Ethiopian movies 2016, ethiopian drama amharic news esat tv
Watch best Ethiopian movies, ethiopian amharic news, ethiopian amharic movies, ethiopian news from Esat, Ethiopian news from Ebc, ethiopian new music, ethiopian new movies 2016, ethiopian drama betoch, addis movies ethiopia, ethiopian movie trailer, ebc drama 2016, ethiopian radio
n/a 1.70 n/a
VOA Türkçe | Haberler
Amerika haberleri, Türkiye haberleri, dünyadan haberler, gündem, son dakika haberleri, sağlık, bilim-teknoloji, ekonomi haberlerini VOA Türkçe'de okuyabilirsiniz.
82.95 1.58 01:35
Glas Amerike
Glas Amerike
n/a 1.80 n/a
Polygraph.info is a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America (VOA). The website serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally.
88.55 0.85 00:28
VOA Indonesia | Berita AS, Dunia, Indonesia, Diaspora Indonesia di AS
Sumber berita Amerika, Indonesia dan Dunia terkini yang akurat dan terpercaya. VOA indonesia menyajikan berita berimbang dan mendalam dengan narasumber terpercaya dan disajikan lewat artikel, video menarik dan siaran radio. Temukan juga kisah inspiratif diaspora Indonesia di Amerika dan Dunia.
67.34 1.44 01:24
Ethios Video
Ethios Video with Ethios Video News, Ethiopian Music, Ethiopian Dramas, Ethiopian Comedy, Ethiopian Movies, Best New EBSTV and KanaTV Entertainment Show, Company name: EthiosVideo, City: Addis Ababa, Country: Ethiopia, Author: Ethio, Price: $0, Free.
36.67 1.60 06:04
pashto main page
VOA Pashto Home page News USA Afghanistan South Asia World Sports Science Entertainment
43.40 3.20 12:45
LeftCall / DEMAND Reason
The Left Call engages in political and social commentary intended to challenge the nonsense, the hypocrisy, and the money corrupting our democracy.
When President Donald Trump -shudder- ordered Press Secretary Sean Spicer to the podium on Sa***ay for his first newspeak, it wasn't just about Trump's vanity
n/a 1.00 n/a
VOA Zimbabwe
Voice of America- Studio 7 and VOA Zimbabwe Live Talk Tune in: Medium Wave (AM): 909 and Shortwave: 4930, 12130 and 7210 The Voice of America is one of the world's most trusted sources for news and information from the United States and around the world. VOA is a multi media news organization using radio, television, and the internet to distribute content in 45 languages.
82.88 1.00 05:03
EthioArtist with Ethiopian Musics (Musiqa), Videos, Movies, Comedy (Comedies), Arada Cinemas and Ethio Artist News. Also Most Recent Amharic Trailers or Full length Films, TVs Series Dramas by Episode from KanaTv, Josy JTV, EBC, Fana Television FBC and EBSTV Entertainment Show. Company name: EthioArtist, City: Addis Ababa, Country: Ethiopia, Author: Ethio, Price: $0, Free.
75.00 1.50 00:16
Welcome to GeorgeMraz.com
The Official website of Bassist George Mraz
n/a 1.00 n/a
Linkbd.net|Link The World
Linkbd.net|Link The World
n/a 1.05 n/a
VOA Khmer News, Radio, TV
News, in depth reporting, expert ***ysis about the latest news in Cambodia, the United States and around the world.
78.03 1.00 02:04
Russian Internet Homepage
This web site contents of links to Russian Radio stations on the internet.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Ndebele VOA
Okuphathelane le Studio 7 Ndebele: IStudio 7 Ndebele ye Voice of America isakaza ngolimi lwesiNdebele ise Washington DC eMelika, ikwethulela izindaba eziphathelane lokwenzakala eZimbabwe, ezimqotho njalo zisanda kwenzakala. IStudio 7 Ndebele iqale ukusakaza ngomnyaka ka2003, yakhwaza lazwakala ilizwi eZimbabwe lemazweni angomakhelwane. Uhlelo lwethu luphuma emoyeni nsuku zonke luset. Okuphathelane le Voice of America-VOA: Umsakazo we Voice of America, oqale ukuya emoyeni ngomnyaka ka 1942, ngumsakazo osakaza ngendlela ezinengi nengi zakulezi nsuku ezigoqela iradio itelevision lebulenjini, emhlabeni jikelele njalo uphathiswa ngemali nguhulumende weMelika phansi kweboard ye Broadcasting Board of Governors. IVOA isakaza okwamahola angaba yinkulungwane ele ngxenye - 1,500 isakaza izindaba, ulwazi ngokuphila kwabantu emhlabeni jikelele, imfundiso, inhlelo zamasiko atshiyeneyo, maviki wonke, nsuku zonke kubalaleli abasemhlabeni jikelele abangaba yizigidi ezilikhulu lamatshumi amabili lanhlanu - 125 million.
70.26 1.03 n/a
ecast TV: Home
ecast TV: Home
n/a 1.00 n/a
VOA Türkçe | Haberler
Amerika haberleri, Türkiye haberleri, dünyadan haberler, gündem, son dakika haberleri, sağlık, bilim-teknoloji, ekonomi haberlerini VOA Türkçe'de okuyabilirsiniz.
74.76 1.37 00:31
VOA | Berita Hari Ini, Kabar Terbaru Hari Ini, Kabar Terkini
Portal Media Siber VOA Menyajikan Berita Terkini, Kabar Terbaru Hari Ini, Berita, Hukum, Politik, Kriminal, Pendidikan, Budaya, Daerah, Ekonomi, Peristiwa, Teknologi, Internasional dan Li***n Khusus
59.91 1.00 n/a
ข่าวเกี่ยวกับประเทศไทย, สหรัฐฯ และรอบโลก, ข่าวบันเทิงจากฮอลลีวู้ด และเรียนภาษาอังกฤษสำนวนอเมริกัน.
n/a 0.00 n/a
n/a 3.00 n/a
VOA Special English - 英语学习频道 - UNSV.COM
VOA Special English is a simplified English language used by Voice of America in daily broadcast. The news is read slowly and using a limited wordlist of about 1500 words.VOA Special English 英语节目,由美国本土资深播音员,用清晰精准的发音,简化的词汇和语法,播报世界新闻,讲述美国人文,地理,文学,历史等专题知识。是深受全世界英语爱好者欢迎的学习美国英语,了解美国文化的经典纯正英语节目。
n/a 3.00 n/a
VOA Hausa – Muryar Amurka
Ziyarci voahausa.com don samun labarai daban-daban da dumi-duminsu daga Najeriya da Afrika da Amurka da sauran duniya.
n/a 0.00 n/a