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Hong Kong haunted tour  Hong kong super natural  hong kong ghost tour  hong kong haunted house  Spooky nam koo terrace   Liuda means casual walk in Chinese and we are a cultural guided tour operator. We aim to window different sides of Hong Kong culture through carefully curated walking tours to everyone. Our ultimate goal is to package these cultural touch into interesting and accessible experience for people. We currently operate heritage,haunted,gallery,revolution tours and we have more to share with you. Wanchai Heritage & Haunted Tour Hong Kong has too many stories left untold in the dark corner of this concrete jungle. When the night falls and shadows follow, we will unveil the less known side of Wan Chai - haunted mansion that used to be brothel, streets built on top of cemetery, talisman to cover a hidden bomb shelter, daily rituals to worship the alternative gods and haunted school's abandoned facility. Inside all the heritage attractions, there were stories of the superstitious, of injustice and misery, of unnatural ***, of war and torture, and unsurprisingly of evil spirits. These stories lived in their own historical contexts and were passed through generations with the evening chill. SOHO Gallery Tour Often find galleries intimidating through big glass walls? Curious about how galleries survive the rent with almost zero visitation? Drop your jaw when you learn the price of modern art? This tour will hopefully ease your confusion.  Walking into a wide range of galleries that cover different aspects of modern art, art lovers will surely enjoy the conversation with knowledgeable tour guides on the latest trend of modern art. This tour is a deep dive into the gallery eco-system in HK and will equip you with a fresh pairs of eyes to appreciate the art world.  Highlights  Hong Kong hosts more than 200 galleries of various sizes and styles. We hand-picked handful of them to encourage an intimate conversation with the fresh art work from primary market  Tour experience varies from time to time as the exhibition will constantly change You will be seeing modern and contemporary paintings by both greater China and global artists, sculptures, installation, photography, etc  Insight of art work valuation and auction secrets. You may even pick up a few tricks on how to bargain in art market Hong kong gallery tour  Soho gallery tour  gallery private tour gallery tour in Hong kong Central gallery tour hong kong auction  sotheby auction in hong kong hong kong gallery scene  soho gallerists  香港画廊 香港鬼屋 christies auction in hong kong  时间:  星期六下午2:30 - 4:30 (中文团) 人数限制: 一人成团,十二人满员 年龄: 12岁或以上 穿着装备: 可以走两个小时的舒适的鞋;夏天也许需要便携雨具;热天也许需要带点水;热爱艺术并有求知欲的心;最好自备个人耳机,听导览讲解器比较舒服干净 取消政策: 红雨或黑雨警告,3号台风或以上 集合地点:荷里活道1-13号华懋荷李活中心写字楼大堂 Chinachem Hollywood Center,古迹建筑旧中区警署的对面(Google Map搜索Chinachem Hollywood Center或者是中环华懋荷李活中心)。我们在写字楼的大堂吹吹冷气,恭候您的大驾。看到这楼上有仁画廊,那你就知道来对地方了 不可思议之处 你总是觉得画廊的人在大玻璃后面显得非常冷漠而有距离感?您总是好奇这些画廊无人光顾却又能够维持生计?看到艺术品拍卖价格却让你大跌眼镜?这个画廊游希望能够解答你的疑问。 我们会参观许多不同的画廊,覆盖当代艺术的不同层面,并同知识丰富的艺术导游一起探讨当代艺术的最新趋势。好像戴上了一副新眼镜,我们能够以全新的视角看待艺术的世界以及香港画廊的生态系统。 精选的数间画廊,不同种类,不同风格。观者能近距离欣赏这些墨迹未干的作品 随着画廊展览的更新,我们的参观内容也会时时更新 你会见到来自大中国区以及全球的艺术家作品,包括绘画,雕塑,装置,摄影等 艺术品估值的小窍门以及拍卖的秘密,也许你还能学会如果买画时讨价还价 时间: 晚上8:00 - 10:00 人数限制: 一人成团,十五人满员 年龄: 12岁或以上 穿着装备: 可以走两个小时的舒适的鞋,也许需要带防蚊水和雨具。最好自备耳机,听导览讲解器比较舒服干净 取消政策: 红雨或黑雨警告,3号台风或以上 集合地点: 湾仔地铁站B1出站口 不可思议之处  香港是座水泥森林,有太多隐秘的故事就藏在阴暗的角落里发着隐隐的光。当夜幕降临的时候,我们会探寻湾仔不为人知的一面:充作战时妓寮的凶宅,在墓地上建立起的街区,用符镇住的防空洞口,每日祭拜的旁门左道神仙,以及频出灵异事件的破旧学校废墟。 在这些湾仔历史古迹里,我们会听到许多许多关于迷信,冤屈,凶杀,战争,折磨,怨灵的故事。这些故事都活在自己的历史背景里,伴着夜晚的凉风而代代相传至今。 溜达步行团 溜达 漫步游 香港画廊 画廊游 画廊漫步 画廊行走 画廊周 画廊协会 画廊展览 香港艺术家 不可思议之处 六七暴动是香港近代历史上最重要的事件之一。现代人想到六七也许就会想到左派工会,中共势力,大字报,红宝书和炸弹袭击。可这是否是历史的全貌呢?我们将会带大家来到北角这个发生了众多重大历史事件的地方,一起穿越时光到1967年的夏天,拨开喧嚣的争执与偏见,顺着事件的脉络逆流而上并一探究竟。 我们不仅将讨论二战之后的全球格局以及香港的特殊位置,也同时将简述大陆数次动乱大逃港后带来的社会结构改变。当时的社会动荡离不开之前双十暴动以及天星小轮骚乱带来的民心思变,也离不开左翼势力在工会和学校的渗透,更离不开伦敦华盛顿甚至台北在这运动中起的作用。我们还将深挖一步,看看各方媒体在暴动中如何坚守立场,以及暴动中种种悲剧在67年后给香港社会带来了怎样的警示与启发。 我们将会深入暴乱的中心地点北角,彷佛直升机在头顶盘旋,炸弹在身边引爆,催泪弹带来了刺鼻气味,哭喊声示威声混成一片,抗暴警察在耳边吹响警哨,我们像当时的香港人一样,在命运的分水岭上登高远望,一起努力看见那看不见的未来。 不可思議之處 六七暴動是香港近代歷史上最重要的事件之一。現代人想到六七也許就會想到左派工會,中共勢力,大字報,紅寶書和炸彈襲擊。可這是否是歷史的全貌呢?我們將會帶大家來到北角這個發生了眾多重大歷史事件的地方,一起穿越時光到1967年的夏天,撥開喧囂的爭執與偏見,順著事件的脈絡逆流而上並一探究竟。 我們不僅將討論二戰之後的全球格局以及香港的特殊位置,也同時將簡述大陸數次動亂大逃港後帶來的社會結構改變。當時的社會動蕩離不開之前雙十暴動以及天星小輪騷亂帶來的民心思變,也離不開左翼勢力在工會和學校的滲透,更離不開倫敦華盛頓甚至臺北在這運動中起的作用。我們還將深挖一步,看看各方媒體在暴動中如何堅守立場,以及暴動中種種悲劇在67年後給香港社會帶來了怎樣的警示與啟發。 我們將會深入暴亂的中心地點北角,仿佛直升機在頭頂盤旋,炸彈在身邊引爆,催淚彈帶來了刺鼻氣味,哭喊聲示威聲混成一片,抗暴警察在耳邊吹響警哨,我們像當時的香港人一樣,在命運的分水嶺上登高遠望,一起努力看見那看不見的未來。 私人接洽 如果你為你的小夥伴或是公司/機構訂制特定私人的的行程,請與我們聯系info@liuda.com.hk。   Why book this tour  When you land in Hong Kong, it's always raining (38% chance). This bling bling but ultra neat city melts east and west together. Stunning skyline is the most photogenic background, which often distracts you away from the colorful corners that the city has to offer.   Highlights Hong Kong 101 is an introductory tour on how to spend the first 3 hours in HK. This tour will provide you an extensive overview of Hong Kong. You will start with Tsim Sha Tsui for a lovely Star Ferry ride, followed by a pleasant walk in Central - the religious, economic and political heart of the Victoria City - before proceeding to Sheung Wan for the best kept local secrets.  We will share our read of the colonial history on Cable Tram (Ding Ding) and Central Escalator (the longest one). You can take home the stunning view of Hong Kong skyline from both sides of Victoria Harbor and one of them is from the observation deck on 55th floor. If the architectural magnificence of Bank of China and HSBC doesn't impress you, the religious atmosphere of St John Cathedral and Man Mo temple can surely give you tranquility. We will also make a quick stop at Chater Garden and Statue Square to time travel to all the defining moments of Hong Kong History (The most recent one of course is the Umbrella Movement) You will be walking into the neighborhood that sells everything from trendy Russian painting, controversial Chinese antiques, to bird nests that are more expensive than gold.   Your HK travel checklist will be half done after the tour. You will be a Hong Kong history expert and definitely will have better ideas on where to go next.    More details about Hong Kong 101 Tour  Price: HKD200 Per Person (English Tour)  When: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Max: 12 Participants per tour Age: 12 years old or above, modest fitness required for walking 3 hours   Wear and accessory: earphones for comfortable access to personal audio receiver, comfortable shoes, and maybe umbrella in rainy days Meet Up Point: Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower (The closest MTR exit is the Tsim Sha Tsui East Station L6 Exit:  when you leave the exit, please walk towards Star Ferry station. Once you surface to the ground, you will see the Heritage 1881 on your right side and the clock tower on your left hand side). Please try to be there 15 -20 minutes early for the great skyline view as the Clock Tower is one of the most photogenic spots in Hong Kong  Cancellation Policy: Please note all tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable. Tour will only be cancelled under announcement of Red/Black rainstorm warning or Typhoon #3 or above from HK observatory Reschedule Policy: if you have any unexpected reason to reschedule the tour, please notify us 12 hours in advance If the website does't display the payment link properly, please email us at info@liuda.com.hk.  HONG KONG DESSERT TOUR Why book this tour  Hong Kong is the culinary Mecca and desserts are basic human rights in Hong Kong. People eat desserts after their three meals, after a movie date, after hiking, after church, after work, after shopping and plus whenever they have free time. Desserts from different culinary factions in China compete with each other on this small island. Chinese desserts could be made off fruits, egg, rice, nuts, taro, beans, sugar cane, cheese, flour, and something more exotic. Chinese spent as much time on dessert development as they did on building the Greatwall. The small dish apparently carries unproportional weight in its own cultural context. In Hong Kong, restaurant rankings in other categories might be more predicable but desserts would only raise controversy. They are just a thousand best dessert in a thousand people’s eye. Highlights In this tour, we will be sampling approximately 10 desserts invented or adapted in Greater China region. We handpicked these eateries not only because they are delicious, but also because they are of different materials, structures, styles, temperatures, sweet levels and cultural backgrounds. The depth of sweetness is by itself a profound journey. Walking in and out of restaurants, dessert shops and boutique cafes, we can dig deeper into the local culinary history. Our foodie guide will elaborate on why some restaurants can sell the same product since WWII and how some others have constantly evolved and expanded beyond everyone’s imagination. The fascinating part start with the sweet spoon, but will end with all the lovely stories behind them. Our tour is perfect for foodies who have always wanted to try all different desserts but never get to collect all gems in one go. This is a pilgrim for people with sweet tooth.   More details about dessert tour Price: HKD350 Per Person (English Tour)  When: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Max: 12 Participants per tour Age: 12 years old or above  Who: Foodies with sweet tooth  Wear and accessory: earphones for comfortable access to personal audio receiver, comfortable shoes, and maybe umbrella in rainy days Note: please only eat a very light lunch before joining us Meet Up Point: Sheung Wan MTR B Exit  Allergy: our dessert sampling may include egg, cheese, peanut, nuts, milk, mango, lard, etc and we recommend people with the allergies, especially the ones mentioned above, to let us know before the tour starts Cancellation Policy: Please note all tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable. Tour will only be cancelled under announcement of Red/Black rainstorm warning or Typhoon #3 or above from HK observatory Reschedule Policy: if you have any unexpected reason to reschedule the tour, please notify us 12 hours in advance   When: Saturday 3:00 - 5:00PM (English tour on alternate Saturday)  Max: 12 Participants per tour Age: 12 years old or above  Who: Interest in Hong Kong and Chinese modern history, no background knowledge required Wear and accessory: earphones for comfortable access to personal audio receiver, comfortable shoes, and maybe umbrella in rainy days Meet Up Point: Northpoint MTR Station - A4 Exit  Price: HKD200 Per Person (English Tour)  Cancellation Policy: Please note all tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable. Tour will only be cancelled under announcement of Red/Black rainstorm warning or Typhoon #3 or above from HK observatory Reschedule Policy: if you have any unexpected reason to reschedule the tour, please notify us 12 hours in advance Why book this tour  1967 Riots was an experiment of the untested communist ideology, a reflection of superpower wrestling in the region, a response to the anti-colonization calling around the world, and a collection of many local stories taken place in that unusual summer.  Textbook description, if ever probably included in the textbook, put the spotlight on leftist propaganda and innocent civilians *** by bombs planted on the street. But is that a complete portrait of 1967? The tour will try to revisit different parties involved in the riots: local leftist unions, media, students, refugees, law enforcement and ordinary citizens.  Inspired by unprecedented tragedy, HK has drastically reformed in all aspects: public housing, free education, freedom of speech, real estate tycoon, royal policy force and anti-corruption campaign. But HK was a completely different city in that very significant summer. For lake of better words, it was crowded, poverish, ***, extremist and corrupted. In this tour, you will time travel to the original sites where all the protest, arrest, violence, bombing, and propaganda taken place. 香港101步行游不可思议之处  你来到香港的第一天,不知道该怎么过,不知道从哪开始,清单上有好多必去朝圣的地方,可是怎么去?香港101步行游顾名思义就是带初到此地的朋友去到最有代表性的地方,用香港独有的交通工具走走这百年香港的路。 香港把东西方捏碎了糅在一起,西方人看了觉得是中国城市,而中国人看了觉得是西方都会。也许香港的摩天大楼太耀眼,我们总是忽略了背后五光十色的角落,那里正上演着那么多电影般耐人寻味的人事。香港101是个从入门到精通的步行团。你会去到最游人如织的景点比如尖沙咀和皇后广场,但也是会去到僻静却具有重大历史意义的圣约翰教堂以及文武庙。我们会体验到天星小轮,丁丁电车,以及半山电梯三种香港都有的交通方式,从不同的角度感受香港的脉动。 你将在55楼的高层观看整个维多利亚城(中环,上环,以及湾仔)的景观,如果中银以及汇丰的独特设计不能令你折服,那么也许SOHO文艺区的小清新才能得到你的共鸣。在步行的过程中,我们也会讨论许多具有争议性的话题,从雨伞运动,占领中环,到香港的人口变迁和上环的传统民俗。如果你来香港之前有个清单,那我相信在步行结束之后,你清单上的绝大多数都以及划掉了,你对香港的历史变迁将有全新的认识,也许广东话都进步不少呢。 价格:200元港币(英文步行团) 时间: 下午2:00 - 5:00 人数限制: 一人成团,十五人满员 年龄: 12岁或以上 穿着装备: 1. 可以走三个小时的舒适的鞋 2. 自备耳机,可以干净整洁地使用听导览讲解器 3. 夏天也许需要带防蚊水和雨具。 集合地点: 尖沙咀钟楼,(附近地铁站出口:尖东站L6)离开地铁站出口,向天星码头方向,走至1881 Heritage,过马路到对面就是钟楼了 取消政策: 请注意一旦预订将无法取消或转售,但遇到香港天文台发布红雨或黑雨警告或是3号台风或以上时,我们将会取消该团并提供退款或是改期的选择 改期政策:如果您由于无法预测的原因而不能参加,请提前6个小时告诉我们,逾期我们将无法安排改期 六七暴动:文革在香港 时间: 周六下午3:00 - 5:00 (中文团隔一周进行一次) 人数限制: 一人成团,十二人满员 年龄: 12岁或以上 提醒:该步行团将会爬较陡的楼梯,穿过小巷,听有可能令人不适的故事 穿着装备: 可以走两个小时的舒适的鞋,最好自备耳机听导览器比较舒服干净,夏天也许需要带防蚊水和雨具。 集合地点: 北角地铁站A4出站口 价格:200元港币(中文步行团) 取消政策: 请注意一旦预订将无法取消或转售,但遇到香港天文台发布红雨或黑雨警告或是3号台风或以上时,我们将会取消该团并提供退款或是改期的选择 改期政策:如果您由于无法预测的原因而不能参加,请提前12个小时告诉我们,逾期我们将无法安排改期 不可思议之处  六七暴动是香港近代历史上最重要的事件之一。现代人想到六七也许就会想到左派工会,中共势力,大字报,红宝书和炸弹袭击。可这是否是历史的全貌呢?我们将会带大家来到北角这个发生了众多重大历史事件的地方,一起穿越时光到1967年的夏天,拨开喧嚣的争执与偏见,顺着事件的脉络逆流而上并一探究竟。 我们不仅将讨论二战之后的全球格局以及香港的特殊位置,也同时将简述大陆数次动乱大逃港后带来的社会结构改变。当时的社会动荡离不开之前双十暴动以及天星小轮骚乱带来的民心思变,也离不开左翼势力在工会和学校的渗透,更离不开伦敦华盛顿甚至台北在这运动中起的作用。我们还将深挖一步,看看各方媒体在暴动中如何坚守立场,以及暴动中种种悲剧在67年后给香港社会带来了怎样的警示与启发。 我们将会深入暴乱的中心地点北角,彷佛直升机在头顶盘旋,炸弹在身边引爆,催泪弹带来了刺鼻气味,哭喊声示威声混成一片,抗暴警察在耳边吹响警哨,我们像当时的香港人一样,在命运的分水岭上登高远望,一起努力看见那看不见的未来。   不可思议之处 甜品在香港是一种宗教。 人们三餐饭后吃,约会后吃,下班后吃,放学后吃,购物后吃,去了教堂也要吃,只要有时间就是要吃甜品的。来自不同地方不同菜系的师傅在香港这个小岛上的终极比拼就是甜品。在香港,甜品的材料可以是水果,鸡蛋,糯米,坚果,甘蔗,芝士,面粉,芋子,甚至是一些更加奇怪的东西。中国人在甜品研发上投入的时间比盖长城的时间还要多,让这小小一碗甜品承担了太过深刻的文化内涵与意义。在香港这样一个美食之都,各菜系餐馆的评选也许都容易预测,可是甜品店的评选就总是引起争议。每个人都有自己私藏的甜品店。 在甜品步行团中,我们会品尝大约10道甜品,这些甜品也许是起源于中国,也许是发迹于中国,总之就在这里找到了自己的天空。挑选的标准不单单是好吃,还因为他们每一家的风格,结构,材料,温度,甜度,以及文化背景都各不一样。甜,本身就是一场充满奥妙的旅行。我们将去到这些餐馆,甜品店,以及小咖啡馆里面,深入挖掘这里的饮食文化。知识丰富的导游会告诉你为什么有些老店可以从二战开始就买一种甜品,买了半个世纪,而另有一些店却野心勃勃,不断进步,扩张成了连锁甜品店。这甜品只是个开始,我们更关注的是甜品背后那些迷人的故事。 我们的甜品团最适合吃货。平常甜品得分开一道道吃却没有一次集齐龙珠的机会,所以这个甜品团就可以让吃货聚在一起,去朝拜一下香港最著名的甜品店。 甜品团细节 价格:350元港币(英文步行团) 时间:  下午2:30 - 5:00   人数限制: 一人成团,十二人满员 年龄: 12岁或以上 食物:我们将会试吃十道甜品,其中有包括花生,坚果,牛奶,芝士,鸡蛋,猪油,银杏,芒果等,如果有任何食物过敏者,我们不推荐参加,如果有其他食物过敏情况,请在开始前同我们及时沟通 午餐:我们会吃十道甜品,所以午餐请尽量减少份量 穿着装备: 可以走两个小时的舒适的鞋;最好自备个人耳机,听导览讲解器比较舒服干净;夏天也许需要雨具和自备饮品 集合地点:上环地铁站B出口,我们要去的第一家甜品店就坐落于西港城 取消政策:请注意一旦预订将无法取消或转售,但遇到香港天文台发布红雨警告、黑雨警告、3号台风或以上时,我们将会取消该团并提供退款或是改期的选择 改期政策:如果您由于无法预测的原因而不能参加,请提前12个小时告诉我们,逾期我们将无法安排改期 如果网页右侧无法完整显示该步行团的购买链接,请发邮件给info@liuda.com.hk。 私人接洽 如果你为你的小伙伴或是公司/机构订制特定私人的的行程,请与我们联系info@liuda.com.hk。  
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