'Street arts' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Street arts'

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A leading celebratory arts company based in Greenwich. Information on forthcoming events, contacts and a gallery.
Emergency Exit Arts (EEA) is the organisation with the vision, imagination and capacity to deliver unforgettable theatrical events and parti***tory experiences.
50.00 33.00 00:46
XTRAX, Producer Services, Showcases, Artist Directory, Festival and Events in Manchester, and Without Walls Consortium members
XTRAX, producer of showcases and new innovative projects including inspirational outdoor performance from UK and international artists.
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Circostrada • European Network Circus and Street Arts
Est une plateforme européenne d’information, de recherche et d’échanges professionnels pour les arts de la rue et les arts du cirque.
Circostrada is a European network for street arts and contemporary circus, dedicated to information, observation and professional exchanges. Representing today 65 members from 22 countries, the network is working to develop the structuring and recognition of these sectors in Europe.
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