'Spinnaker' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Spinnaker'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Enterprise Ready Spinnaker |AI Driven Multi Cloud CI/CD for DevOps-OpsMx
OpsMx provides Open Enterprise Spinnaker for Continuous Delivery of Software.OpsMx Spinnaker is AI Driven multi-cloud CI/CD for DevOps with 24x7 app on-boarding support.
n/a 3.90 n/a
Resources for owners of Hunter. Photos, downloads, owner modifications, accessories, boats for sale, and more.
Resources for owners of Hunter. Photos, downloads, owner modifications, accessories, boats for sale, and more.
n/a 8.50 n/a
Metropolis Drachen | Dein Online Drachen Shop mit bestem Service
Metropolis-Drachen Online Shop - Euer Fachgeschäft und Versandhandel für Lenkdrachen, Lenkmatten, Baumaterial, Buggys, Mountainboards, Blokart, Zugschirme, Depowerschirme und Zubehör. Wir bieten freundliche und kompetente Beratung zu allen Bereichen des Drachensports.
n/a 9.00 n/a
Sailcloth Technology by DIMENSION-POLYANT - Segeltuche, Laminate für Hochleistungssegel und Polyestertuche für Windsurfen
Germany. Woven sailcloth from polyester, nylon and laminates. In-house weaving, finishing and laminating. Site provides information on sailcloth care, handling and maintenance. English, German and French.
DIMENSION-POLYANT ist ein führender Segeltuch-Hersteller für Superyacht-Tuche, Yachtsegel, Jollensegel, Surfsegel, Surf-Kites, Gleitschirme, Paraglider, Heißluftballone und vieles mehr. DIMENSION-POLYANT unterhält Produktionsstandorte in Deutschland und den USA, und nun auch in Australien, sowie Verkaufsbüros und Läger an den wichtigsten Handelsplätzen der Erde
n/a 6.00 n/a
n/a 3.10 n/a
Boknäs huonekalut
Boknäs huonekalut
n/a 3.00 n/a
ELLIOT - Drachen und mehr aus Xanten am Niederrhein
Manufacturers of single-line, sport, traction and promotional kites and accessories. [English and German]
Elliot, Drachen und andere Sachen, alles für das Outdoor-Freizeitvergnügen, wir fertigen und vertreiben Drachen, Werbedrachen, Drachenzubehör, Werbeartikel, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf!
n/a 3.00 n/a
Willkommen bei der Kreuzer - Abteilung
Die Fachabteilung des DSV informiert über ihre Aufgaben, den Fahrtensegelsport auf See, an der Küste, auf den Seeschiffahrtsstraßen und auf allen Binnengewässern zu unterstützen und zu fördern und dazu auszubilden.
Die Kreuzer-Abteilung des Deutschen-Segler-Verbandes - Der Service-Club für Segler
n/a 2.00 n/a
British Marine - The Membership Organisation for the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry
british marine is the membership organisation for the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry. we lead and promote our industry and work with our members to achieve sustainable growth in a competitive global environment, through the provision of world-class goods and services. we support over 1600 members with a range of services and expertise which help their business.
70.85 0.39 00:35
International 505
Provides information on racing, buying, tuning, and upgrading the class. Includes information on where fleets are, and links.
Official website of the International 505 Class Association. International site for the 505 class. The 505 is a fast, fun and exciting, two person high performance spinnaker t***ze planing dinghy raced in over 20 countries
n/a 1.00 n/a
KITE and BIKE - das Drachenfachgeschäft für Zweileiner-Einleiner-Lenkdrachen-Trickdrachen-Indoordrachen-Matten-Drachenbaumaterial-Ersatzteile-Zubehör-Windspiele
KITE and BIKE das Drachenfachgeschäft,D-90453 Nürnberg mit der großen Auswahl bietet Beratung,Verkauf,Lieferservice,Sportlenkdrachen,Lenkmatten,Kinderdrachen,Windspiele,Baumaterial,Kohlefaserstäbe
n/a 2.00 n/a
Skipper ONDECK Magazine - Yachting and Luxury Lifestyle
Skipper ONDECK Magazine. The Authority for Yachting and Luxury Lifestyle in Greece
46.53 2.21 01:47
Spinnaker Systems
Spinnaker Systems
n/a 2.00 00:01
Harken Yachting Equipment and Sailboat Hardware Catalog
This is the Harken Yachting Equipment eCommerce catalog. It allows for the purchase of pulleys, blocks, furling systems, mainsail systems and winches.
n/a 3.00 n/a
wholesale cruising sails hong kongs performance sailmaker
n/a 3.00 n/a
Atlantic Sail Traders - Used sails, New sails, Sail Broker
Atlantic Sail traders, Sail Brokers, used sails, new sails, thousands in stock, jibs, genoas, mains, spinnakers, cruising,spinnakers, drifters, listed on our database.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Ronstan Racing Sailboat Hardware and Architectural Tensile Solutions and Services
n/a 3.00 n/a
.Sailing Sydney, Sydney 38 yachts, offs*** sailing Sydney Harbour Sailing School
Sydney Harbour's adventure sailing experience and school on Sydney 38 yachts - Getaway Sailing Adventures. Harbour cruises and races on ocean racing yachts, as well as offs*** yachting events and races with experienced instructors and crew. Also Sydney to Hobart, Lord Howe Island, special charters. Corporate and Private Yacht Charter, training and certification a speciality. We have Sydney 38 yachts, sailing race charters, offs*** sailing from Sydney and Sydney offs*** sailing.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Spinnaker Sound Marina - Home
Spinnaker Sound Marina - Home
n/a 3.00 n/a
Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. - File and Media Conversion - Software and Services
File and Media Conversion Products and Services, Paper-to-Computer Digital Conversion, SEC EDGAR Solutions, and eLearning Software and Services
n/a 3.00 n/a
The Spinnaker on San Francisco Bay - Sausalito Restaurants, CA 94965
Kissed by rolling tides, and located only a minute's drive across the Golden Gate Bridge, the Spinnaker Restaurant features fresh seafood and panoramic views of the San Francisco bay and the Sausalito waterfront.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Barcos, El Portal de Los Barcos Enciclopedia de la Náutica y los Servicios al Navegante, Compra venta de Barcos, barco, boats, Náutica, Preguntas de Náutica, Trivia Náutica, Foro Náutico,Ships, Boats, Escuelas Náuticas, CD de Náutica, CD de Barcos, Sales Boats, Embarcaciones
El Primer Portal Nautico en Español, barcos, yachting
n/a 3.00 n/a
Technisches Magazin von Seglern für Segler »
Technisches Magazin von Seglern für Segler. Fachbeiträge rund ums Segeln, W erport und Segelyachten, Kleinnzeigen, Yachtverkauf, Expertenrat.
n/a 3.00 n/a
English Language Courses in England at Spinnaker College (Portsmouth), UK
English Language Courses in England at Spinnaker College (Portsmouth), UK
n/a 3.00 n/a
El Portal de Los Barcos Enciclopedia de la Náutica y los Servicios al Navegante, Compra venta de Barcos, barco, boats, Náutica, Preguntas de Náutica, Trivia Náutica, Foro Náutico,Ships, Boats, Escuelas Náuticas, CD de Náutica, CD de Barcos, Sales Boats, Embarcaciones
El Primer Portal Nautico en Español, barcos, yachting
n/a 3.00 n/a
Banks Specialist Covers: The ultimate protection
Banks Specialist Covers: The ultimate protection
n/a 0.00 n/a
Resources for owners of Oday. Photos, downloads, owner modifications, accessories, boats for sale, and more.
Resources for owners of Oday. Photos, downloads, owner modifications, accessories, boats for sale, and more.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Australian 125 Sailing Dinghy - National Association
The Australian 125 sailing dinghy is an exciting class with a light fifty kg hard chine hull, spinnaker and t***ze, the boat is very lively especially on a spinnaker reach.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Spinnaker Films
Spinnaker Films specialises in providing production services for both local and international clients across all forms of visual media – from TVCs to Web
n/a 0.00 n/a
Spinnaker Group | The Ultimate Luxury multi brand Boutiques
50.00 0.00 12:19