'Rigpa' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Rigpa'

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Anfängergeist - Forum • Foren-Übersicht • Forum für Buddhismus
Das Anfängergeist-Forum unter an***gergeist.net ist eine neutrale Anlaufstelle und Community für alle Fragen zum Buddhismus, besonders für Anfänger, aber auch für fortgeschrittene Praktizierende, die sich den offenen Anfängergeist bewahrt haben.
n/a 27.00 n/a
Garuda Trading - Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Shop & Meditation Supplies
Garuda Trading is a Tibetan Buddhist Dharma shop supplying Buddhist practitioners and Dharma centres worldwide. Specialising in art from Tibet, Books on Buddhism, Meditation Supports, Thangkas, Rupas, Malas, Tibetan & Bhutanese Incense, Prayer Flags, Singing Bowls, Ritual & Shrine items, ancient dZi beads and other rare Himalayan treasures.
n/a 5.40 n/a
Rigpa Portal
Rigpa Portal
n/a 11.00 n/a
Aktuelles Programm
Buddhismus in Berlin
100.00 2.00 n/a
Dzogchen Lineage - Home Page
The international community of Dzogchen Shri Singha International, practicing under the guidance of Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. Featuring background and historical resources on Buddhism and Dzogchen, current activities, and links to local organizations within the community.
Home page of affiliated Dzogchen Lineage International organizations, under the guidance of Tibetan Buddhist master H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. Providing online Dzogchen Lineage Buddhist study materials, teaching schedules and local contact information for Dzogchen Dharma Centers worldwide.
100.00 1.00 n/a
Rigpa meditation
n/a 3.00 n/a
Lilleoru on avatud keskus, mille eesmärgiks on aidata kaasa inimeste terviklikule arengule koolituse pakkumise ja sisemist arengut soodustavate tingimuste loomise kaudu. Koolitustes kasutatakse teadmisi nii traditsioonilistest õpetustest, nagu jooga, budism, kristlus, indiaaniõpetused, hinduism jm, kui ka kaasaegsest psühholoogiast. Toetatakse loodussäästlikku eluviisi, edendatakse ökoloogilist ehitust. Tegevusharudena on välja kujunemas avatud MINA Koolituskeskus erinevate loovust ja sisemist teadlikkust arendavate kursustega, ökoküla ja ökoloogilise ehituse keskus ning aašram õpetustesse enam süveneda soovijatele. Lilleoru on rahvusvahelise ökokülade ühenduse GEN Europe liige, kriya jooga aašramite keti liige ning India pühaku Haidakhandi Babaji aašramiteketi liige. *** Lilleoru is an open center with the purpose to support the inner development of man by offering training and necessary conditions. Traditional teachings - such as yoga, american indian, buddhist, hinduist and other - as well as contemporary psychological knowledge are used. Ecological way of living is appreciated. Three main directions of development are: 1) founding an open SELF Awareness Ttraining Center with open courses for wider use; 2) ecovillage; 3) ashram for those interested in deeper knowledge. Lilleoru is a member of GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) Europe, a worldwide chain of Kriya Yoga ashrams and the chain of the Indian saint Haidakhandi Babaji's ashrams (Haidakhandi Samaj).
n/a 3.00 n/a
Bienvenue à Cantagal gîte et résidence d'artiste, chez Daniel Chotard et Barbara Janssen
Gîte et résidence d'artiste de cantagal. Un endroit agréable avec un paysage magnifique dans l'Hérault à coté du lac du Salagou où vous pouvez allier vacances et création artistique
n/a 0.00 n/a