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我們有完整的產品類型, 提供一站式噴畫印刷服務, 資料齊備, 以及有專業的客戶服務團隊, 我們的產品包括, With the wide range of products, we provide a complete ink-jet printing service, our professional Customer Services team will help you with various kind of printing knowledge, our product include, 電腦噴畫, inkjet computer printing, pp 膠噴畫, PP Plastic Inkjet Printing, 旗幟布噴畫, Flag Cloth Inkjet Printing, 絹布噴畫, Silk Cloth,Inkjet Printing, 透明布噴畫, Transparent Cloth Inkjet Printing, 直噴pvc噴畫, Direct PVC Inkjet Printing, 相紙噴畫, Photo Paper, 透明pvc噴畫, Transparent PVC Inkjet Printing, 燈箱片噴畫, Light Box Plate Inkjet Printing, pp 貼紙噴畫, PP Label Inkjet Printing, 可移貼紙噴畫, Removable Label Inkjet Printing, 地板貼紙噴畫, Floor Label Inkjet Printing, 透明貼紙噴畫, Transparent Label Inkjet Printing, 帆布噴畫, Outdoor lights cloth canvas Inkjet Printing, 啞面帆布噴畫, Outdoor matte lights cloth canvas Inkjet Printing, 雙面布噴畫, Outdoor two side cloth Inkjet Printing, 油畫布噴畫, Canvas Cloth Inkjet Printing, 車身貼噴畫, Car Body Label Inkjet Printing, 牆身貼噴畫, Wall Label Inkjet Printing, 單孔透噴畫, Single-side holed Transparent Label Inkjet Printing, 易拉架噴畫, Pull Roll Up Banner Inkjet Printing, 膠易拉架, Plastic Pull up stand. 鋁易拉架, Aluminium Pull up stand. 半月型易拉架, Half Moon Pull up stand, 雙面易拉架, 2 Side pull up stand, 展示彩盒,MockUPBox, 掛牆易拉架, Wall Motorized Rolling pull up Stand, 座?易拉架, desktop pull stand, 伸縮易拉架, Flexible pull stand, 闊底座易拉架, wide & flat base pull up stand. 拉網架噴畫, Pop Up Stand Inkjet Printing, 促銷台噴畫, Promotion Table Inkjet Printing, 鋁促銷台, aluminium promotion desk, 特大促銷台, large size promotion desk, x 展架噴畫, X Display Stand Inkjet Printing, 人形展架噴畫, Standee Inkjet Printing, 海報架噴畫, Poster Stand Inkjet Printing, L 型展架噴畫, L Shape Banner Stand Inkjet Printing, 橫額座噴畫, Banner Stand Inkjet Printing, 超薄燈箱噴畫, Slim Light Box Inkjet Printing, FOAMBOARD噴畫, Foamboard Inkjet Printing, POP架噴畫, POP Stand Inkjet Printing, 資料架: Brochure Stand, 展板屏風噴畫, Display Partition Inkjet Printing,展示架,Sign Stand , 三腳架, 3 Legs Stand, 電腦界字噴畫, Computer Character Cutting Laser Character Cutting Inkjet Printing, 工程安裝, Installation Project, 易拉架刀模, 咭片刀模, 促銷台刀模, 拉網架刀模, X展架刀模, 海報架刀模, 超簿燈箱刀模, 橫客座刀模, 封套刀模, 利是封刀模, pull up display stand die-cut, business card die-cut, promotion table die-cut, pop up display stand die-cut, X stand die-cut, poster stand die-cut, Slim light box die-cut, Banner Stand die-cut, Envelope die-cut, Red packets die-cut, 咭片, 咭片皇, 卡片, 名片, 白咭, 網上訂購咭片服務, 專人製作咭片稿件, 年曆咭印製, 信封, 信紙印製, 局部 UV 加工, 多邊形裁切, 文件夾, 結婚咭, 結婚卡, 請帖, 喜帖, 賀咭, 貼紙, 月曆, 迷你掛曆, global printing service, fullcolor printing, four color, business card printing, full colour letterhead, fullcolor envelope, free delivery, calendar彩色咭片印刷, Colored Name Card Printing, 傳統咭片印刷, Traditional Name Card Printing, 特種紙咭片印刷, Special Paper Name Card Printing, 數碼咭片印刷, Digital Printing Name Card Printing, 白咭咭片印刷, White Paper Name Card Printing, 牌仔印刷, Card Printing, 吊牌印刷, Hangtag Printing, 彩色單張印刷, Color Leaflet Printing, 數碼單張印刷, Digital Printing Leaflet Printing, 數碼印刷印刷, Digital Printing Printing, 彩色門卷印刷, Color Ticket Printing, 抽獎卷印刷, Lucky Draw Ticket Printing, 數碼書刊印刷, Digital Printing Brochure Printing, 彩色書刊印刷, Color Brochure Printing, 酒店餐牌印刷, Hotel Menu Printing, 餐廳餐牌印刷, Restaurant Menu Printing, 茶餐廳餐印刷, Restaurant Menu Printing, 彩盒印刷, Color Box Printing, 包裝盒印刷, ***ng Box Printing, 封套印刷, Folder Printing, 硬皮快勞印刷, Hardcover Folder Printing, 書簽印刷, Bookmark Printing, 環保袋印刷, Non-woven Bag Printing, 信封印刷, Envelope Printing, 信紙印刷, Letterhead Printing,剛古紙信封印刷, Conqueror Envelope Printing, 剛古紙信紙印刷, Conqueror Letterhead Printing, 賀咭印刷, Greeting Card Printing,長型刊物印刷, Rectangular Publications Printing, 餐台紙印刷, Table Top Paper Printing, 單薄印刷, Invoice Book Printing, 發票印刷, Invoice Printing, 收據印刷, Receipt Printing, NCR 單薄印刷, NCR Invoice Book Printing, 單色書刊印刷, Single Color Brochure Printing, 說明書印刷, Manual Printing, 紙箱印刷, Carton Box Printing, 台曆印刷, Desk Top Calendar Printing, 掛曆印刷, Hanging Calendar Printing, 手挽袋印刷, Carrying Bag Printing, 公文袋印刷, Brown Envelop Printing, 結婚揮春印刷, Wedding Couplet Printing, 利是封印刷, Red Packets Printing, 結婚咭印刷, Wedding Cards Printing, 電腦分色, Computer Color Separation, 稿件改稿, Artwork Modify, 平面設計, Graphic Design, 柯式打稿, Offset Print-proof, 商品攝影, Products Photo Shooting, 菲林輸出,Film Output
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WallacePOS - The open source, web based POS solution
WallacePOS is an open source, web based point of sale & retail management system. Spend less time with paper reports and embrace the power of statistics for your small business. It's your cash register in the cloud. WallacePOS is built on new but proven open source technologies, providing a seamless and fast experience for your staff members. No software installation is needed! Updates are delivered to your POS terminals in real time and terminals can even make transactions in offline mode, without an internet connection. WallacePOS supports standard POS hardware, including ESCP receipt printers & cash draws, to produce beautiful and customized receipts. Proudly Australian owned and developed.
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