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Welcome to A Puritan's Mind!
It is to God that all glory belongs. The Bible teaches us this as it begins with its most important verse, "In the beginning God..." (Genesis 1:1a). Everything past this is undeserved grace to us and great glory to Him; for this is the chief end of all things which exist--God's glory. May all that appears here glorify Him. The Puritan era has been the most godly and pious age since the birth of the early church and the apostles. The wealth of knowledge He poured upon the Puritan divines to exegete and apply the Scriptures to the lives of men is unsurp ed. When the regenerated Christian mind is filtered by the writings of the Puritans, he cannot but come away with A Puritan's Mind. Here theology and practice meet hand in hand. "Theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God." It is "the science of living blessedly forever." Theology is not merely doctrine or teaching. Theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God - theology put to practice. It is the life which comes by Christ alone, given to undeserving sinners by faith, so they may regain the opportunity to glorify God in His love and mercy. It is only here (where theology and practice meet) that he is able to come into a deeper and more intimate knowledge of the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Puritans desired to see men strive after theology put into practice. And it is my hope, that as you read the literature and information on this web site, that you too would leave here with a taste for Biblical Theology presented by  A Puritan's Mind.
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