'P2012' trends

Domains containing the tag 'P2012'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Umbrella Page for the Democracy in Action Websites on Presidential Campaigns: Linking to P2000.us, P2004.org, P2008.org, P2012.org, P2016.org, P2020.us and Campaign Literature Archive
Umbrella Page for the Democracy in Action Websites on Presidential Campaigns: Linking to P2000.us, P2004.org, P2008.org, P2012.org, P2016.org, P2020.us and Campaign Literature Archive
73.73 2.24 00:40
P2012 Race for the White House - The 2012 Presidential Campaign by Democracy in Action
Democracy in Action P2012: A framework for understanding and following the 2012 presidential campaign.
52.83 1.21 00:20