'Open standards' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Open standards'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Leading the development of open, vendor-neutral IT standards and certifications | The Open Group
The Open Group works towards enabling access to integrated information within and between enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability. It is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium that works with customers, suppliers, consortia and other standard bodies to capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies and share best practices.
n/a 2.22 n/a
OASIS | Advancing open standards for the information society
OASIS is a non-profit, international consortium that creates interoperable industry specifications based on public standards such as XML and SGML. OASIS members include organizations and individuals who provide, use and specialize in implementing the technologies that make these standards work in practice.
n/a 1.50 n/a
TOGAF®, an Open Group standard | The Open Group
The Open Group works towards enabling access to integrated information within and between enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability. It is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium that works with customers, suppliers, consortia and other standard bodies to capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies and share best practices.
50.00 2.00 17:29
DTG | Take your seat at the centre of UK digital TV | Become a Member
UK-based industry group of companies devoted to standards for DVB and digital television.
To make digital TV work in the UK today and into the future, you need all the right people around the table. The Digital TV Group is uniquely positioned to make that happen. Our members come from all the key sectors of digital TV.
93.38 1.00 00:27
Seneca BV | CMS oplossingen voor overheid, zorg en wonen
Seneca implementeert weboplossingen gebaseerd op Content Management Systeem Smartsite. De portfolio omvat webdesign en -ontwikkeling, intranet- en extranetoplossingen, online applicatieontwikkeling alsmede integratie van back-end informatiesystemen voor organisaties waar digitale nstverlening een strategische positie inneemt.
n/a 3.00 n/a
mylinuxbsd.com - mylinuxbsd.com
IT Freelancer Team providing low cost but powerful solution based on Open Source System
n/a 3.00 n/a
E-commerce | Web Development | Software Development | ASP Shopping Cart | Web Hosting | Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)
Online ecommerce software for business in the UK. Each store designed for the business
n/a 3.00 n/a
Simba Technologies ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET, OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO)&XML for ysis (XMLA) Solutions
Simba Technologies - We provide ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO,NET, SQL, OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO), XML for ysis (XMLA) and MDX connectivity solutions.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Raltes Technologies - Home
RALTES Technologies is a fast growing Technology Consulting Company offering affordable, innovative, flexible and value added software solutions to customers across the globe and is committed to be the number one Service Providers with flare for quality.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Startseite - La Gentz
La Gentz KG - Datenmanagement mit Yorus Server für Creative Industry.
n/a 3.00 n/a
n/a 3.00 n/a
UML tools for software development and modelling - Enterprise Architect UML modeling tool
UML design and business ysis tool for modeling, do enting, reverse engineering, building and maintaining object-oriented software systems, fast and intuitive. Great features, great price.
n/a 3.00 n/a
AuthDirect - Home
AuthDirect http://www.authdirect.com provides a family of BackOffice solutio ns known as TollBooth and TollBooth Plus to WISPs serving various public spot venues such as airports, cafe s, coffee houses, els and restaurants.
n/a 3.00 n/a
OmniUpdate, Inc - Enterprise Web Content Management System (CMS)
For more than 25 years, OmniUpdate, Inc. has been a leader in desktop, client-server, and Software-as-a-Service applications. Today, OmniUpdate’s web content management products are used to manage more than 500 college and university websites. The company also provides social media and information portal solutions.
n/a 3.00 n/a
GlobalIP is a leading vendor of Voice over IP softphonce components, call center phones, conferencing and video solutions.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Resource Techniques offer Web site design & software sales & development for estate agents & property specialists
n/a 3.00 n/a
PSDtoXHTML : psd to wordpress, psd to joomla, psd to xhtml, psd to magento, psd to drupal
We provide valid xhtml and css, PSD2Website provide XHTML and CSS coding services for designers and web design companies, We provide valid xhtml and css, with all browser seupport
n/a 3.00 n/a
UML tools for software development and modelling - Enterprise Architect UML modeling tool
UML design and business ysis tool for modeling, do enting, reverse engineering, building and maintaining object-oriented software systems, fast and intuitive. Great features, great price.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Gateway Geomatics - FOSS4G Consulting and Training
Gateway Geomatics specializes in publishing geospatial information to the Internet through the use of Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics (FOSS4G). Gateway offers competitive consulting and training on FOSS4G tools such as MapServer, QuantumGIS, and GRASS
n/a 0.00 n/a
OpenFIGI: Unlock the Power of Efficiency with Open Symbology
Eliminate redundant mapping processes, streamline the trade workflow and reduce operational risk with more than 300 trillion potential identifiers available.
n/a 0.00 n/a
OpenFIGI: Unlock the Power of Efficiency with Open Symbology
Eliminate redundant mapping processes, streamline the trade workflow and reduce operational risk with more than 300 trillion potential identifiers available.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Wavestack Cloud | Open Cloud Stack Solutions
We streamline your digital infrastructure, freeing you to focus on your business goals.
n/a 0.00 n/a
notizBlog - A weblog about the open, portable, social, synaptic, semantic, structured and microformatted web, written by Matthias Pfefferle
A weblog about the open, portable, social, synaptic, semantic, structured and microformatted web, written by Matthias Pfefferle
n/a 3.00 n/a