'Omnisphere' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Omnisphere'

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Audio Plugins, Soundbanks, Sample Libraries | Audiority
Audiority Sound Library specializes in high quality audio plugins, soundbanks, sample libraries and more.
n/a 2.10 n/a
SX Pro Audio | The Best in Pro Audio
SX Pro Audio | The Best in Pro Audio
n/a 2.20 n/a
Plughugger - Home
Sounds for your synthesizers and music tech review blog
79.89 1.80 03:55
VintageSynthPads - World-class Synth Presets
World-class synthesizer presets, soundsets and patches for software and hardware synths.Specializing in presets for FALCON, Omnisphere, Zebra, Diva, Arturia, Lush-101, Native Instruments, Korg.
25.25 1.75 00:11
SoundGods I Drumkits | United States
Providing The Highest Quality Industry Sounds To Producers Just Like You Drumkits | United States | SoundGods
60.43 2.00 00:01
Rocky Mountain Sounds | Canada | Fresh New Sounds for Omnisphere 2
Rocky Mountain Sounds specializes in cutting-edge inspirational new sounds for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2. Find your new sound for live performance, film or game score.
56.44 0.15 n/a
Tajti Music Hangszeráruházak - Fõoldal
Tajti Music Hangszeráruház - Adams, Akai, AKG, Alesis, ALLEN & HEATH, Alto, American Audio, American DJ, Ampeg, Apogee, ART, Artec, Astro, Audio-Technica, AUDIOTRAK, B.C. Rich, Basix, BEHRINGER, Bespeco, Beyerdynamic, Bose, Boss, Carlsbro, Casio, CME, Cort, Craft, DB, DEZELECTRIC, DYNACORD, E-MU, Echo, Edirol, Egosys, Eko, Epic, ESI, Eurolite, EVENT, Fender, Fordlight, Fribenare, Futurelight, Gallien-Krueger, Gretsch, Hercules, HK Audio, Hughes Kettner, Ibanez, IDEAN, Invasion, Involight, Invotone, Jaytec, , Ketron, König Meyer, Korg, KRK, Kurzweil, Kustom, KV2 Audio, Line6, M-Audio, Mackie, Manufacturer, Mapex, Marris, Marshall, Martin, Meinl, Microsonic Music, Mini Hangszer, Neo-Neo, Neumann, NOVA, Numark, Oscar Schmidt, Pearl, Pioneer, Planet Waves, PR Lighting, Premier, Prodipe, Randall, RCF, Regal-Seton, Reloop, RME, Robe, RODE, Roland, Sabian, Scanic, Sennheiser, SGM, Shure, Snap Jack, Solton, Sonor, Sony, Soundcraft, SSL, Stagg, Stanton, Strand Lighting, Strunal, Studio Projects, Tajti Rack, Tajti Tok, Tama, TC Electronic, Technics, TUBE-TECH, US Blaster, Vox, Warwick, Washburn, Yamaha, Zildjian, gitár, szólógitár, b zusgitár, szóló, b zus, akusztikus gitar, szintetizátor, erõsítõ, kombó, erõsítõfej, húr, gitár, tok, pengetõ, effekt, pick-up, gitárhangoló, mikrofon, heveder, straplok, vezeteknéküli rendszer, hangfal, keverõ, tenori-on, EFI-X, EFiX, Spectrasonics, Stylus RMX, Omnisphere, Trilian, virtuális hangszer, szoftver szintetizátor, Faderfox, Euphonix
n/a 3.00 n/a
n/a 0.00 n/a