'Milk daze' trends

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Baby Slings, Pouch Style Baby Carriers, slings Adjustable Pouch, slings Designer Baby Slings, Nursing Covers, Nursing Camis, Nursing Tanks
Designer baby slings and baby carriers offer fashion, comfort and simplicity. slings award-winning baby slings are just the beginning --- baby gear includes slings AP, slings adjustable pouch, nursing covers, kid slings, nursing tops, child slings and other accessories. slings Designer Baby Slings and child slings. Started by Kristen DeRocha 2003, slings pouch-style baby carriers were originally a hybrid between the sleek pouch-style baby sling and the large, padded ring sling. The pouches were also the first cut to fit just about every size person possible and offered in to-the-moment fashion prints. As of 2008, the company is still owned and managed by Kristen as the CEO. Her business partner Mike Powers is the CFO.
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