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Waga edaga : ዋጋ ዕዳጋ
Ethiopian price directory
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Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in Diversity and East African Regional News!
East African News: Aigaforum.com is your Reliable Source for Ethiopian, Tigrayan, and East African related news. You will find daily Regional News and Topical Discussion Forum Blog
56.39 1.57 01:05
Advocating for Unity and Peace in Ethiopia, Standing Against Racism and Hate!
66.67 1.00 n/a
Dehay - Home
Dehay Monthly Ethiopian Megazin in Tigrigna
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Welcome to Tigray.net
tigrai.net/tigray.net/tigrai.org is an Ethiopian News and Information site.
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The ancient civilization that dates back to 3000 years. And the world's most famous early human ancestor, the 3.2 million year old ape 'lucy' was the first Australopithecus skeleton ever found in Ethiopia. From gorges and escarpment to 4000+ meter hign mountain peaks, rift valley lakes, the blue Nile river, rock hewn churches, and Eucalyptus forests, Ethiopia's terrain is feast for the eyes and many stunning landscapes.
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