'Marine science' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Marine science'

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Coastal Carolina University
Coastal Carolina University is a dynamic, public liberal arts institution located in Conway, just minutes from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Coastal Carolina offers baccalaureate programs in 39 fields of study including acclaimed programs in marine science, resort tourism and professional golf management. Graduate programs include an MBA as well as master's degrees in education and coastal marine and wetland stu s. More than 8,000 Coastal Carolina students from across the country and the world interact with a world-cl faculty, and enjoy a nationally competitive NCAA I athletic program that includes a winning football team, a provocative cultural calendar, and a tradition of community interaction that is fueled by more than 100 student clubs and organizations.
n/a 7.10 n/a
California State University, East Bay
Located in Hayward. Information for students, alumni, and staff.
Cal State East Bay serves the Bay Area as part of the California State University system, providing access to higher education for a diverse student body.
n/a 5.50 n/a
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
A unique oceanographic research center that promotes a peer relationship between engineers and scientists. MBARI uses state-of-the-art equipment and methods to study the ocean and its environment.
n/a 5.30 n/a
Marine and Coastal Sciences and Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve marine science education initiative, Coastal Ocean Observation.
The COOL Classroom is a collection of interdisciplinary science lessons (Earth, Physics and Biology lessons) that use data from the Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory at Rutgers University to integrate ocean science into classroom science and math instr
n/a 2.30 n/a
The Australian Institute of Marine Science - AIMS
Aims to generate the knowledge needed for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment through innovative, world-class scientific and technological research.
66.58 1.70 01:07
National Oceanography Centre | Making sense of changing seas
The National Oceanography Centre is an independent self-governing organisation – a charitable company limited by guarantee. The NOC is funded by UK Research and Innovation to work on National Capability programmes, and manages on its behalf, the National Marine Equipment Pool – Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles, and two state of the art research ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook.
39.83 5.22 01:31
Turtle | Conflict Islands Conservation Initiative | Milne Bay Province
Conflict Islands Conservation Initiative | Milne Bay Province Turtles sharks rays and some of the most beautiful coral reef and fish you have ever seen.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute - Home
The mission of the Institute and its people is to work in partnership with visionary sponsors and collaborators to generate the knowledge and innovations required for efficient utilization of our coastal wasteland, seawater, marine algae, solar power
n/a 2.90 n/a
Admiral Farragut Academy | FL College-Prep Private School with Boarding
Independent, coeducational, day and boarding school for grades PreK-12 in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Admiral Farragut Academy is a Traditional College-Prep Private School for Grades Pre-K to 12 and a World-Renowned Boarding and Military School for Grades 8 to 12.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Sea Trek BVI; Sailing, Scuba Diving, & Marine Biology Summer Camps
Marine science education in the British Virgin Islands, including seamanship, marine science, scuba diving, and sailing. Includes a description of programs, staff, photo album, voyage details, and links.
n/a 2.20 n/a
Greater Farallones Association
The GFA supports the NOAA and Marine Sanctuary with science programs, restoring habitat, addressing climate change, youth education, and research funding.
27.58 0.23 00:12
New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
The New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center is dedicated to telling the story of the fishing industry past, present, and future through exhibits, programs, and archives.
100.00 1.00 n/a
Int. J. of Aquatic Science
Int. J. of Aquatic Science (IJAS)
100.00 1.00 n/a
Welcome to H2Outfitters Sea Kayaking Adventures | Sea Kayaking Worldwide | Kayaking Lessons
Welcome to H2Outfitters
n/a 3.00 n/a
This is a journal and virtual library useful to scientists, physicians and patients. The site contains medical and biology information as articles, databases, books, lectures and more. The site also contains the forms to search the most useful sites on the Web.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Broadreach summer camps. Scuba camps, Caribbean sailing camps, marine biology, travel, wilderness summer programs
International summer adventure programs - scuba diving camps, yacht sailing camps, marine science programs, wilderness adventures, travel camps, PADI certification - Broadreach summer camps for agers
n/a 3.00 n/a
*** SmarterScience *** Specialized in earth and life science. Knowledge when you need it.
Home page of SmarterScience, specialized in marine, earth and environmental science. Clients include universities, publishers, patent agencies and engineering companies.
n/a 3.00 n/a
The Ocean Channel
The Ocean Channel
n/a 3.00 n/a
Water Quality Testing Products - Instruments, Test Kits, Reagents, Test Strips, Sampling Equipment :: Lamotte Company
LaMotte Company sells and manufactures equipment for the testing of water, soil, & air. We service the pool & spa, environmental science education, aquaculture & aquarium, industrial wastewater, drinking water, soil testing, and home science markets.
n/a 3.00 n/a
AQUAMERIK.com | aquaculture & environnement, environment
aquaculture, fish farming, fish culture, marine science, opportunities in aquaculture, fish production, poisson, environnement, environment, marine education, mariculture, sea farming, clam farming, aquaculture systems, recirculating systems, aquaculture degree, aquaculture education, aquaculture training, water culture, aquaculture techniques, water quality, agriculture
n/a 3.00 n/a
CoastView.com.au - Tasmania's online coastal community
CoastView.com.au - Tasmania's online coastal community.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Maine Island Kayak Company - sea kayaking outfitter, retailer and guide service providing travel and adventure to great people who love the outdoors for over 20 years in Portland, Maine’s Casco Bay and the world beyond.
Maine Sea Kayaking outfitter and Ocean school,providing adventure,trips,expeditions,courses and instruction in Maine's coast and islands with Registered Maine Guides,BCU Instructors
n/a 3.00 n/a
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, Maine.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Artificial Intelligent | Neural Network | Get Fuzzy | Science Projects | Circuit City | Robotic - Home
Offer information related to Artificial Intelligent, Neural Network, Get Fuzzy, Science Projects, Robotic, Circuit City. Help full paper and science projects for Artificial Intelligent, Neural Network, Get Fuzzy, Robotic. Covers for autonomous unmanned system, underwater robotic, autonomous underwater vehicle, sea glider, microcontroller, seaglider robotic, microcontroller related issues, news, swarm intelligent and much more!., explore the vaguely understood, wide and deep underwater environment, which covers two thirds of our planet, it is necessary to navigate to different locations [4]. The importance of underwater exploration lies on the fact that the underwater environment is rich with hard mineral and renewable resources, and oil/gas reserves.Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). AUVs have the potential to revolutionize access to the deep and shallow underwater environment and address critical problems such as search and mapping, climate change essment, life form behavior monitoring, mine countermeasures, Autonomous Under Water Vehicle, robot, Underwater Robots programming languages, controllers, and advanced sensors, Detecting Stealth Aircraft with Laser Light and Radar autonomous underwater vehicle, AUV Solar Powered to Monitor Lake Ponchartrain Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence Machinery and Intelligence Neural networks, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Network and Systems, Electronic devices and circuits, electrical machines, control systems, digital systems, electromagnetic theory, power systems, communication systems, microprocessor systems, VLSI technology, instrumentation, electric devices, neural network and fuzzy system, advanced control, utilization of electrical energy and electric traction, advanced semiconductor devices, solid control and electric devices, digital signal processing, micro controllers and their applications, switch mode and resonant converters, mechatronics and artificial intelligence., Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Buoyancy Material, Buoyancy adjustment System, autonomous underwater vehicle, inspection, exploring
n/a 3.00 n/a
The NAFC Marine Centre in Shetland provides training, marine science, research and quality management services to suport the nautical, fisheries, engineering, aquaculture and food industries
n/a 3.00 n/a
Vacation Beach Rentals In Port Aransas, Texas
Great Beach Vacations start in Port Aransas with Life In Paradise. Imagine sitting in your own little piece of heaven, on Port Aransas Beach. Port Aransas Beach Vacation Rentals by Life In Paradise offer a wide variety of accommodations. Choose from Port Aransas Beach access, Port Aransas City Harbor access or Corpus Christi Channel/Mustang Beach Airport access. No matter where you choose to rent for your vacation in Port Aransas, be assured you are only a few minutes away from shopping and world class dining.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Clean Shipping International - CSI News Online
Daily clean ship technology news for the global maritime industry
n/a 0.00 n/a
Aqua-Globe-Project - German water and ocean information magazine
Aqua-Globe-Projekt - W er und Meeres-Magazin,Aqua-Globe-Project - German water and oceanography magazine, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Gewässer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns sind NICHT in Ordnung, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Vote Earth - Ein Klick für Kopenhagen, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Greenpeace prüft Fischangebot von Supermärkten, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Chinesische Delikatesse kommt aus allen Weltmeeren, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Klima-Index sagt Industriestaaten gewaltige Aufgaben voraus, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Eisschmelze mit Turbo-Effekt, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Greenpeace wegen sieben Steinen vor Gericht, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Überfischung fördert Algenblüte, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Neues Messprogramm zur Kohlendioxidaufnahme im Ozean, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Alte Tölpel machen Paarungspause, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Neue Stu zeigt: Es gibt auch CO2-Gewinnler in den Meeren, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Gift aus dem Eis: Gletscherschmelze hat fatale Folgen, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Norwegen: Niedrigster Fangzahl folgt höchste Quote seit 15 Jahren, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Meeresspiegel könnte innerhalb ses Jahrhunderts bis zu 1,9 Meter ansteigen, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Anzeiger für saubere Gewässer: Froschlaichalge wird Alge des Jahres 2010, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Kippelemente im Erdsystem: Wie stabil ist heutige Um-Welt?, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Flutkatastrophe füllte das Mittelmeer wieder auf, Aqua-Globe - Das Aqua-Globe Fischbestands-Barometer, Aqua-Globe-Project - Eine Software legal kopiert und weitergegeben werden darf!!, Aqua-Globe Magazine - Meere brauchen IHRE Hilfe
n/a 3.00 n/a
This is a page of LEGO ship models for education in schools and classrooms to promote STEM careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It also promotes Diversity and Environmental Stewardship for at-risk urban & inner city minorities and girls
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