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- 1islamonline.net
من اقرأ إلى واسجد واقترب - إسلام أون لاين
The first interactive portal offering an in-depth look at Islam, Muslim societies, and the world through Muslim eyes, featuring information on current events and discovering Islam. IslamOnline.net is an independent and balanced media outlet, representing
أول موقع عربي على الإنترنت يهتم بنشر الثقافة الإسلامية والتعريف بمبادىء الدين الحنيف عبر معالجة عالم الأفكار والاهتمام بالعلوم وإصدارات الكتب.
- 2islamonline.ne
IslamOnline.net- Islamic News, Shari'ah, Society, Family, Culture, Science, Youth, and Health
At IslamOnline (IOL) we strive to provide you with all the information you need about Islam and its civilizations, the universe and its elements, current Islamic news and its ysis, and general information and services (eg. Fatwa and prayer times) that one cannot do without in the 21st century. IslamOnline aims to present the unified and lively nature of Islam that is keeping up with modern times in all areas.