'Lasserre' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Lasserre'

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Eric LASSERE - Projeteur BA libéral
Projeteur béton armé indépendant qui propose ses services et qui offre des infos sur le beton armé (initiation au calcul d'éléments en beton armé), des logiciels gratuits sur le thème.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Art Gallery 'Galerie de Cannes' Contemporary Art Galleries, French Riviera Exhibitions
Exhibits paintings and sculptures of contemporary artists, modern as well as classical. Includes artist profiles and exhibition details. Located in Cannes.
On the French Riviera, the Art Gallery 'Galerie de Cannes' has been exhibiting paintings and sculptures of contemporary artists : Geneau, Jequel, Gerstein, Bricka,...
n/a 1.00 n/a