'Kumite' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Kumite'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Jesse Enkamp - The Karate Nerd™
Official website of Jesse Enkamp - The Karate Nerd™, #1 Amazon.com best-selling author, international educator, athlete, entrepreneur & founder of Seishin.
n/a 1.50 n/a
SFV Feuerblume e. V.
Hier findet Ihr Aktuelles aus unseren Abteilungen Karate (Dojo Kuroda Yo***aka), Laufsport und Aroha. Wir trainieren in Pirna und Dohna.
n/a 7.20 n/a
Karate Tournament Central
Provides the an index of martial arts tournaments available on the web as well as a bulletin board, links, and other related resources.
Karate Tournament Central is the Ultimate Competitors Guide to Martial Arts Tournaments
n/a 2.00 00:01
Naslovnica - eKarate
Portal za karate natjecanja.
n/a 6.90 n/a
CanadaMAS - Canada Martial Arts Supply
Canada Martial Arts Supply is your source for all thing martial arts including brands like Adidas, SMAI, and Tokaido. We have everything such as: uniforms, belts, protective equipment, and training gear.
n/a 1.50 n/a
Stellt Informationen zu Karate, zur Kata, den Einzeltechniken, Dojo-Übersichten, Veranstaltungen, News und Termine rund um die Sportart bereit.
Karate ist in Deutschland sehr beliebt. In zahlreichen Verbänden und Organisationen finden sich hunderte Vereine, so genannte Dojos in denen viele unterschiedliche Karate Stilrichtungen gelehrt werden. Sehr bekannt ist z.B. das Shotokan Karate, das Goju Ryu oder Wado Ryu. Durch die Wettkampforganisation K1 wurde auch das Kyukushinkai sehr bekannt. Diese Website behandelt Themen aus und um Karate, wie Kata, Kihon und Kumite - das sind die drei Elemente des Karate. Aber auch Fragen und Themen zu Ausrüstung, Medien und Bücher, Bunkai oder Training im Allgemeinen werden geboten.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Shotokan Karate Magazine - A traditional publication with a truly international following
A quarterly publication featuring senior Sensei. Editor information, subscription rates, back issues and links.
A traditional Shotokan Karate Magazine featuring the most senior and famous Shotokan Sensei's and it is totally non-political
n/a 2.00 n/a
JKA Boston
The Japan Karate Association of Boston offers lessons in traditional Shotokan Karate.
n/a 3.00 n/a
All Iran ***oryu Karate Do Association - وب سایت رسمی انجمن شیتوریو (شیتوکای) کاراته ایران
Welcome to Iranian ***okai Karate do Association. Affiliated with World ***oryu Karate Do Federation, Japan ***okai and Iran Karate Federation
n/a 5.50 n/a
Everything about karate
n/a 1.00 n/a
Velkommen til Bushi.dk
75.00 1.00 00:17
Welcome North Toronto Karate School
Located in Toronto, Ontario. Includes news, history, belt levels, schedules and photos.
North Toronto Karate School provides a positive work-out atmosphere that also teaches you practical skills; a place where you and your children can take karate-do cl***.
n/a 2.00 n/a
KARATE-DO GRAZ Shotokan und Shotokai / Graz, Steiermark, Kata, Kumite - Home
Karate ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Körper und Geist zu trainieren und damit viel für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu tun. Ob Kampfkunst oder Wettkampf, Ausgleichssport, allgemeine Fitness oder Selbstverteidigung – Karate eröffnet allen ein breites sportliches Betätigungsfeld. Egal ob Schulkind, Jugendliche/r oder Erwachsene/r – egal ob sehr oder weniger (oder gar nicht) sportlich – jeder ist herzlich eingeladen zum Reinschnuppern und Mitmachen. Oberstes Ziel im Karate ist weder Sieg noch Niederlage, der wahre Karatekämpfer strebt nach der Vervollkommnung seines Charakters.
45.26 0.47 n/a
Kamikaze: First class Karate equipment. Equipos de Karate de primera calidad
Karate uniforms, badges, video and decoration.
Kamikaze and Shureido: First class Karate equipment. Equipos de Karate de primera calidad.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Welcome to the BTKA
The Home Of Washinkai. The Official Website of the Britsh Traditional Karate ociation an Washinkai Karate. One of Englands Leading Karate Organisations and Founder Members of the English Karate Federation
n/a 3.00 n/a
Karate Site - Welcome
Karate Site - A fresh view for karate parents, students and instructors
n/a 3.00 n/a
British Wadokai - Home
Plymouth Wadoryu karate club with training in the original and traditional wado karate introduced into the United Kingdom in 1963
n/a 3.00 n/a
Polski Zwi±zek Karate
Polska Organizacja Karate Kyokushin ::: www.karate.org.pl
n/a 3.00 n/a
Kampfkunst und Selbstverteidigung bei TSURU.DE
Infos zu traditionellen ostasiatischen Kampfkuensten. Besonders Kampftraditionen Japans und Okinawas (Karate-Do Kobudo Bunkai Kata)
n/a 3.00 n/a
Where Martial Arts People Live On Line (Powered by phpFoX)
Martial Arts Friends is a free community of martial artists from around the world who are interested in mma, karate, judo, aikido, kendo, kenjutsu, iaido, iaijutsu, naginata, samurai, kenpo, kempo, dojo, japan, budo, bushido, ronin, shogun, kata, kumite, kung fu, wushu, bagua, sumo, kyudo, gung fu, taichi, taiji, boxing, jukendo, bujutsu, tae kwon, Howard High, Ryobu-Kai and more
n/a 3.00 n/a
Kyokushin4life - The Knockdown Karate Community
A virtual dojo where knockdown style martial artists and enthusiasts can meet, and offers a range of services to connect, inform, learn and share.
n/a 3.00 n/a
The Online S okan Karate Magazine and Research Centre
A website dedicated to S okan Karate, with resources including interviews with top Karate-Ka, a martial arts forum, articles, book and DVD reviews and much more.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Mililani Karate Cl***. Hawaii Karate Club Funakoshi Shotokan Karate
Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate Training offered in Mililani. Our Mililani Karate cl*** taught by highly qualified Hawaii Karate Instructors
n/a 0.00 n/a
Way of Life Shotokan Karate of Florida | United States
As Shotokan Karate Dojo, we welcome kids and ***s of all ages and levels to experience martial arts. We offer unparalleled traditional Shotokan Karate instruction, and self defense training cl***. Our karate school employs the martial art tradition of those with the greatest experience helping
n/a 0.00 n/a
Way of Life Shotokan Karate of Florida | United States
As Shotokan Karate Dojo, we welcome kids and ***s of all ages and levels to experience martial arts. We offer unparalleled traditional Shotokan Karate instruction, and self defense training cl***. Our karate school employs the martial art tradition of those with the greatest experience helping
n/a 0.00 n/a
Martial Arts Instructional DVDs and Video Downloads - em3Video
Best and the Latest Martial Arts Content of DVD's and Video Downloads on the market
n/a 0.00 n/a
San Diego Karate School. Children. ***s. All Ages
Japan Karate-Do San Diego teaches authentic Japanese Karate-Do in the Hokushin ***o Ryu International style to children, women and men of all ages and is located on Midway Drive in San Diego, in the Sports Arena District.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Arawaza - Deutschland - Österreich | Startseite | Arawaza Online
Alles rund um das Thema Karate Bekleidung. Umfangreiches Produktsortiment mit den neusten Trendprodukten. Blitzschneller Versand.
n/a 0.00 n/a
S okan Karate - 24 FIGHTING CHICKENS
S okan Karate. The Internet's #1 resource for practical advice and information about S okan Karate since 1995
n/a 3.00 n/a
Bienvenidos a la portada
Página web de Karate, información sobre las competiciones de karate en la isla de Gran Canaria y campeonatos regionales en las Islas Canarias. Información sobre clases y entrenamientos en el gimnasio Karate Energym Sur Maspalomas
n/a 3.00 n/a