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Welcome to Darulfatwa Islamic High Council - is the highest Islamic authority in Australia. It has been founded to meet the growing needs of the Australian Muslim Community., The great Imam Abu Hanifah An-Nu^man said in Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar:
The basis of Tawhid1 and what constitutes a valid belief is for one to say I believe in
Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, Resurrection after , Destiny2
both good and evil and that it is created by Allah, the Settlement of Accounts on the
Day of Judgment, the Balance, Paradise and Hellfire. All are true matters.
Allah, the Exalted, is One not in the context of numbers but with the meaning that
He has no partners. Allah said in Surah Al-Ikhlas:
Þá ªæ ááå ÃÍÏ ááå ÇáÕãÏ áã íáÏ æáã íæáÏ æáã íßä áå ßÝæðÇ ÃÍÏ
This means: Say (O Muhammad) He is Allah, the One clear of partners and anything
similar., Visiting the Grave of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam
There is consensus among the scholars that it is sunnah to visit the grave of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, both for he who lives in al-Madinah and he who travels there for the express purpose of visiting the Prophet’s grave, and doing so is a great act of obe nce. It is sunnah for the visitor to also have the intention to travel to pray in the mosque of the Prophet. Whoever travels to al-Madinah for this purpose should remember in his heart the great honor of the city of al-Madinah, and that it is the best city after Makkah. He should ask Allah to benefit him from this visit and to accept it as a worship from him. It is sunnah to perform the purificatory bath (ghusl) before entering al-Madinah and to wear one’s cleanest clothes.
Upon entering the mosque of the Prophet, one says:
I enter with the Name of Allah. Praise be to Him.
ÈÓã Çááå æÇáÍãÏ ááå
O Allah, raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and his Al and protect his nation from that which he fears for them.
Çááåã Õáø Úáì ãÍãÏ æÚáì Âáå æÓáøã, Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly stated in the Holly Qur’an. Allah said.....
(Surat Al-Baqara Ayah 228) This glorious Ayah indicates that men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allah the Exalted.
The advantage of men over woman stated in this Ayah refers to the authority of men over woman, which encomp es the added responsibilities and duties asked of men rather than woman.
The husband is the manager of the household affairs and the only person held responsible for supporting his wife and children with adequate food, clothing and shelter, and for providing them with the security necessary in life.
The wife is not obligated to share in the financial support of the family or herself. By their characteristics, men are made to fit their position of authority and responsibility with the many characteristics that Allah the Creator has bestowed upon them.
In the noble principles of Islam, the wife is entitled to certain rights from her husband. This is indicated in Surat Al-Baqara, Ayah 233.
The first of these obligations is for the husband to give moderate financial support to his wife and dependants, from his lawfully earned income. This includes providing adequate food, clothing and a suitable home., Brothers and sisters in Islam, the migration of Prophet Muhammad, otherwise known as the Hijrah, was not about running away from being ed, nor was it about fear, or a retreat from bidding the lawful or forbidding the unlawful.
The Hijrah was done in obe nce to what Allah had ordered.
Our master Muhammad peace be upon him prepared himself, embled his troops and led them victoriously back to Makkah. The Prophet and his companions, including the family of Yaser, endured many hardships, and yet they were very patient with what had happened to them. During the Hajj season, when the people gathered, the Prophet peace be upon him used to call them to Islam and say to them: “say no one is God except Allah and then you will succeed”.
The Prophet was very patient with what the blasphemers had done to him. His companions tolerated many types of torture including whipping, hitting, im ment, burning, and . Yet when they gained the support and aid from Allah, it was as if they had turned into a solid rock that could not be scratched. Their pious heartbeats and their silent supplications shook the hearts and thrones of the disbelievers. Didn't Bilal Al Habashi repeat the words: "Ahad Ahad" Allah is One, Allah is One, and he did not retreat or weaken., Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly stated in the Holly Qur’an. Allah said.....
(Surat Al-Baqara Ayah 228) This glorious Ayah indicates that men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allah the Exalted.
The advantage of men over woman stated in this Ayah refers to the authority of men over woman, which encomp es the added responsibilities and duties asked of men rather than woman.
The husband is the manager of the household affairs and the only person held responsible for supporting his wife and children with adequate food, clothing and shelter, and for providing them with the security necessary in life.
The wife is not obligated to share in the financial support of the family or herself. By their characteristics, men are made to fit their position of authority and responsibility with the many characteristics that Allah the Creator has bestowed upon them.
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