'History of science' trends

Domains containing the tag 'History of science'

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History of Chemistry - Chemical Heritage Foundation
Dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of chemistry, The Chemical Heritage Foundation's world-cl collections include instruments and apparatus, rare books, fine art, and the personal papers of prominent scientists, all related to the chemical and molecular sciences. CHF hosts conferences and lectures, curates exhibits, supports research, offers fellowships to talented scholars, and produces educational materials.
n/a 1.87 n/a
ÅëëçíéêÞ Áóôñïëïãßá, Áóôñïëïãßá ÅëëçíéêÞ, ÅëëçíéêÜ, Greek Astrology, Astrology Greek, Greece Astrology, Astrology Greece, Www, ÁíáæÞôçóç, ÅëëÜäá, ÅëëçíéêÜ ÊáôÜëïãïò Áñ÷åßùí, Ï ÊáôÜëïãïò Ôçò ÅëëÜäáò, ¸ìâëçìá, Õðüâáëëå, Ñþôá, Åñþôçóç, ÅëëÜäá, Îåíïäï÷åßá ÅëëÜäá, Åðé÷åßñçóç ÅëëÜäá, ÌÝóá ÌáæéêÞò Åðéêïéíùíßáò ÅéäÞóåéò, ÅõñåôÞñéï, ÊáôÜëïãïò, ÁèÞíá, Ïëõìðéáêïß Áãþíåò, ÃéÜííçò Ìðáñäüðïõëïò, ÁíôáëëáãÞ, ×ñçìáôéóôÞñéï, Burse, Ðïóïóôü ÊÝñäïõò, Ôïß÷ïò, Ïäüò, Åãêüóìéá Áóôñïëïãßá, Ðáãêüóìéá Áóôñïëïãßá, ÐñïâëÝøåéò ÁóôñïëïãéêÝò, Éóôïñßá, Ç Éóôïñßá ÊÜíåé Êýêëïõò Ôï ºäéï Êáé Ïé ÐëÜíçôåò. ÊáèçìåñéíÝò ÐñïâëÝøåéò ×ñçìáôéóôçñßïõ Ôçò ÁèÞíáò, Óåëßäá ×ñçìáôéóôçñßïõ ÅéäÞóåùí Ëïãéóìéêïý Áóôñïëïãßáò ÓõíäÝóåùí, ÁíáæÞôçóç, Ìç÷áíÝò, Åõêáéñßåò, Áóôñïëïãßá, Áóôñïëüãïò, Çìåñïäåßêôçò Áóôñïëïãéêüò, ,ÁóôñïëïãéêÝò Åöçìåñßäåò, Ùñïóêïðßá, Ùñïóêüðéï, Æþäéá, Æþäéï, Êñéüò, Ôáýñïò, Äßäõìïé, Êáñêßíïò, ËÝùí, ÐáñèÝíïò, Æõãüò, Óêïñðéüò, Ôïîüôçò, Áéãüêåñùò, Õäñï÷üïò, É÷èýò, Æþäéá Êáé ÐëÜíçôåò ,¹ëéïò, ÓåëÞíç, ÅñìÞò, Áöñïäßôç, ¢ñçò, Äßáò, Êñüíïò, Ïõñáíüò, Ðïóåéäþíáò, Ðëïýôùíáò, ×åéñþí, Ùñïóêüðéï, Ùñïóêüðïò ,Áíåñ÷üìåíï Óçìåßï, Áíåñ÷üìåíï Æþäéï, Ïé Êëßóåéò, Áðïêëåßóåéò, Çëéïêåíôñéêü, Ãåùêåíôñéêü, ÊïóìéêÝò ÓõíäÝóåéò, Áóôñïíïìßá, Áóôñïëïãéêü, Áóôñïëïãéêüò, Ãåùêïóìéêü, ÃåùêïóìéêÞ Áóôñïëïãßá, ÐåðñùìÝíï, Ðáñáëëçëßá, ÁíôéðáñÜëçëéá, Óåéóìïß, Óõíïäüò, Áíôßèåóç ÔåôñÜãùíï Ôñßãùíï ÅîÜãùíï, Ìéóü ÔåôñÜãùíï, Áóôñïëïãéêïß Ïßêïé, ÓåëçíéáêÜ, Óåëçíéáêïß ÌÞíåò, ÃåíÝèëéïé, ÃåíÝèëéïé ðëÜíçôåò, Êüìâïé, ÁíôéèÝóåéò, Óõæõãßá, ÐåñéÞëéï, ÁöÞëéï, Ðåñßãåéï, Áðüãåéï, ÐëáíçôéêÜ, ÐëÜíçôåò, ÐñïâëÝøåéò, Ðñïïäåõôéêü, Ðñüïäïé, ÁíÜäñïìïò, ÁíÜäñïìïé, ¼øåéò, ÐëáíÞôùí, Ïõñáíüò, Çëéáêü Óýóôçìá, ÔåôñÜãùíá, ÁãÜðç, ÁóôÝñéá, ÌÝëëïí, ÁóôñéêÜ, Ìåëëïíôïëüãïò, Supermoon, ÌåóïäéÜóôçìá, ÌåóïäéáóôÞìáôá, Óõíáóôñßá, ÅñùôéêÞ Óõíáóôñßá, Ìåóáßá Óçìåßá, ÌåóïäéÜóôçìá Áóôñïëïãéêüò ×Üñôçò, Æùäéáêüò ×Üñôçò, ÐñïâëÝøåéò, Óçìáäéþí, Ðñïöçôåßáò, ÄéÝëåõóçò, ÅëëçíéêÞ, Áóôñïëïãßáò, ÊëáóéêÞ, Áóôñïëïãßáò, Áñ÷áßá, Áóôñïëïãßáò, Horary, Áóôñïëïãßáò, ÅðéëåêôéêÞ Áóôñïëïãßá, Éóôïñßá, Éóôïñßáò, Çìåñïäåéêôþí, Áóôåñéþí, ÖÜóåùí, Öåããáñéþí, Áóôñïëïãßáò, Áóôñïëïãßáò, ÃåíÝèëéá, ÓõíïëéêÞò, ¸êëåéøçò, Ðôïëåìáßïò, ÅðéóôÞìçò, Zodiac, Áóôñïëüãïò, Éóôï÷þñïò, ÅëëçíéêÜ, ÐíåõìÜôùí, Øõ÷Þò, Óçìáäéþí, ÅëëçíéêÞ Áóôñïëïãßá, ÊëáóéêÞ Áóôñïëïãßá, Áñ÷áßá Áóôñïëïãßá, Ùñéáßá Áóôñïëïãßá, ÃåíÝèëéá Áóôñïëïãßá, ÏëéêÞ ¸êëåéøç,
n/a 1.60 n/a
Index of integrated, single-page, text-based Directories based upon wide-angle topics in education, computers, medicine, science, technology, humanities and the arts.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Impressions from a Lost World
Impressions from a Lost World tells the history of the 19th century discovery of fossilized dinosaur tracks along the Connecticut River Valley in Massachusetts and Connecticut and the profound effect these fossils had upon American science, arts, religion, and culture that reverberates down to the present day.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Afandie أفندي
افندي! دليلك الجديد للوصول للخدمات بانواعها..او كن انت مزود الخدمه و افندي يروج مهاراتك وخبراتك واعمالك للجمهور لكسب دخل اضافي. Afandie! Your new guide to find all kind of services you need ... or you become a service provider and Afandie promotes your skills, experience and work to the public to earn additional income.
n/a 6.20 n/a
Artículos y noticias de ciencia para gente curiosa. Nuevos materiales, evolución tecnológica, simetría, naturaleza, moléculas, mitología, y ciencia-tecnología-sociedad.
Cienciateca. Historias de ciencia para gente curiosa. Divulgacion cientifica y noticias. Desde nuevos materiales , forma y simetría en la Naturaleza hasta historias de evolución y metaevolución. Noticias científicas y Humor. Los científicos locos nunca mueren. El vuelo de Dédalo, Vivir sin Darwin. Baterías de litio, una alternativa al plomo y al cadmio. Copos de nieve. Moléculas, sólidos y nanopartículas. Hexágonos en un mundo empaquetado<BR>Science stories to reflect on the history of Science and Technology. Mad scientists never die. The flight of Daedalus, the flight of Technology. Lithium batteries, an alternative to lead and cadmium. Snow flakes. Molecules, solids and nanoparticles. Hexagons in a packed world,
n/a 1.00 n/a
Home - The Story Behind The Science
Bring science and scientists to life -- the Story Behind the Science.
n/a 2.00 n/a
The American Scientific Affiliation: Discussion of science and Christianity, ethics, apologetics, creation and evolution, the Bible and science
The American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) is a fellowship of men and women of science and disciplines that can relate to science who share a common fidelity to the Word of God and a commitment to integrity in the practice of science. ASA was founded in 1941 and has grown significantly since that time. The stated purpose of the ASA is to investigate any area relating Christian faith and science and to make known the results of such investigations for comment and criticism by the Christian community and by the scientific community.
n/a 3.00 n/a
HOME PAGE of the Bookstall
Books, Rare Books, Used Books, Out of Print Books, Gifts, Antique Prints, Antique Maps, Old Maps, Book Appraisals, Lectures, Storytelling, Buy Books, Buy Prints and Maps, Maintain Mailing List, Send Catalogues, Maintain Want Lists, Subject Area Cl ifications.
n/a 3.00 n/a
TFOT - The Future Of Things
Science and technology e-magazine covering exclusive innovation from around the world. In-depth coverage of cutting edge science, technology and medicine related developments.
n/a 3.00 n/a
International book sellers and library suppliers for shopping of books from calcutta covering agrarian labour, colonial period, 19th century bengal, 19th century calcutta, history of science, history of technology, real politics, labour movement in bengal, comintern and indian communism, postmodernism, bestsellers from kolkata, Insitute publications from kolkata, out of print titles from kolkata, kolkata rare books , political sociology books, K P Bagchi & Company, Firma KLM, Seagull, Progressive Publishers, Seribaan, Kolkata publishing, manuscripts from Kolkata.
n/a 3.00 n/a
In her book Decoding the Heavens, Jo Marchant tells the story of an ancient Greek artefact called the Antikythera mechanism. It was discovered in a wreck by sponge divers in 1901, and is the most stunning scientific artefact we have from antiquity – a clockwork computer consisting of more than 30 gearwheels and pointers. Now, more than 2000 years after the device was lost at sea, scientists have pieced together its intricate workings and revealed its secrets. In the book, scholars’ 100-year quest to decode the Antikythera mechanism is woven together with tales from ancient technology and astronomy, and characters such as Arthur C. Clarke, Jacques Cousteau, Hipparchus, Archimedes and the Roman writer Cicero. Jo Marchant is a science journalist at New Scientist magazine. This website contains book synopsis, reviews, articles, links and author information.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Welcome  to  richardjonesbooks.com - Home Page
Richard H. Jones books on science and religion, the history of science, philosophy of mysticism, the scientific study of religious experiences, Madhyamaka Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, the Establishment Clause, and Harry Potter.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Welcome to richardjonesbooks.net - Home Page
Richard H. Jones books on science and religion, the history of science, philosophy of mysticism, the scientific study of religious experiences, Madhyamaka Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, the Establishment Clause, and Harry Potter.
n/a 0.00 n/a