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The Aspas, which campaigns for the protection of wild animals, conducted the survey and made public videos of the breeding conditions of the 19 million pheasants and partridges raised for hunting. A quarter of the animals drawn by hunters come from a breeding, according to the figures put forward by the Association for the protection of wild animals (Aspas) .And on this table of hunting, pheasants and partridges figure prominently. "In France, 14 million pheasants and 5 million partridges are bred and then released during hunting season. This is commonly called releasing cocottes ", explains Aspas director Madline Reynaud-Rubin. His association investigated several months in nine of these farms located in the Allier, Drôme, Isère and Gard. The images from these investigations, which have just been made public, testify to the miserable life of these birds for rifles. Breeding conditions, according to the Aspas, comparable to those of the slaughter animals, and which are clearly part of an industrial logic.Mb (0) - sm Mt (0.8em) - sm "type =" text "content =" The breeding pairs are enclosed in tiny cages. Grilled ground: From their birth, the chicks grow up far from the ***s, piled up to several thousand in vast dark sheds. "I do not put light or they eat each other," confesses a registered breeder with a hidden camera. In fact, in these confinement conditions, which are not adapted to their wild nature, these stress-prone animals are led to aggression or even kill one another. In order to avoid losses, breeders pack them with caps when they do not use a more mutilating device that perforates their nasal septum. Nevertheless, the mortality would be high in such farms, especially because of panic movements that cause crushing and suffocation. Once twenty weeks old, the birds are sold to companies or hunting federations (...) "data-reactid =" 25 "> The breeding pairs are enclosed in tiny cages on the grid floor. When they are born, the chicks grow up far from the ***s, piled up to several thousand in vast dark sheds. "I do not put light or they eat each other," confesses a registered breeder with a hidden camera. In fact, in these confinement conditions, which are not adapted to their wild nature, these stress-prone animals are led to aggression or even kill one another. In order to avoid losses, breeders pack them with caps when they do not use a more mutilating device that perforates their nasal septum. Nevertheless, the mortality would be high in such farms, especially because of panic movements that cause crushing and suffocation. Once twenty weeks old, the birds are sold to companies or hunting federations (...)Read more on Liberation.frYellow vests: crisis meeting at the Elysee"Yellow Vests": after a day of chaos, the executive seeks an answerIn Paris, anger, flames and confusion during the demonstration of yellow vests"Yellow Vests": Griveaux again rejects any "change of course""Yellow Vests": after a day of chaos, the executive seeks an answer