'Designboom' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Designboom'

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Designspotter from platform to network - designspotter.com
A platform for sharing design objects and creative experiments. It provides readers with an overview on modern contemporary design.
Designspotter platform is back as an agency for social media, branding, sponsoring and events with a unique network pr digital architecture.
n/a 1.90 n/a
A collaborative community of creative people. Join UNI to discuss ideas, showcase projects, and follow award winning creative people.
46.99 21.00 11:20
n/a 5.00 n/a
毎年秋に東京・青山を舞台に開催するリエイティブの祭典「TOKYO DESIGN WEEK」。2014年は11万5000人の来場者を記録。デザイン・アート・ミュージック・ファッション、ミュージック、フードなど様々なジャンルで、最先端のクリエイティブを体感できるイベントです。毎週月曜日23時BS日テレで放送中のクリエイティブトーク番組「TOKYO DESIGN WEEK .tv」では、茂木健一郎、市川紗椰をMCに迎え、経営者・クリエイター・編集者・ミュージシャン・俳優・プロデューサー・政治家など、旬なゲストを招き、クリエイティブ活動における発想のヒントを探っていきます。世界のデザインイベントをリンクするネットワーク「WORLD DESIGN WEEK」を構築。イタリア・ミラノや、アメリカ・ニューヨークでのTOKYO DESIGN WEEKの開催実績を筆頭に、今後も世界を視野に展開していきます。
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b-on creative: design studio from Milan to Seoul
b-on creative is a 10 years old design studio based in Seoul, the studio was founded by Daniele Testa, an Italian designer that moved to South Korea to develop "Italian design made in Korea' design contamination philosophy. The studio provides a full range of design services on a multisectorial plateau of project's types; a creative window that currently spreads from product design to fashion design.
b-on creative is an Italian design firm originally based in Milan and now moved to Seoul. We are specialized in bringing Creativity and Innovation into your products. Our creative approach applies to a large variety of products.
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b-on creative: design studio from Milan to Seoul
b-on creative is an Italian design firm originally based in Milan and now moved to Seoul. We are specialized in bringing Creativity and Innovation into your products. Our creative approach applies to a large variety of products.
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