'Cto' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Cto'

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SegmentFault 思否
SegmentFault 是专业的开发者问答社区。我们的目标是为中文开发者提供一个最纯粹的技术交流平台,一起创造属于开发者的时代!SegmentFault 团队是中国最大的黑客马拉松组织方! SegmentFault is a leading technology community for Chinese developers, SegmentFault Team is now the largest hackathon organizer in China.
SegmentFault 思否是中国领先的新一代开发者社区和专业的技术媒体。我们为中文开发者提供纯粹、高质的技术交流平台以及最前沿的技术行业动态,帮助更多的开发者获得认知和能力的提升。自社区上线以来在广大开发者群体中享有极高的口碑及影响力,以技术问答、技术专栏、技术课程、技术资讯为核心的产品形态,目前已经覆盖和服务了超过 300 万开发者,同时 SegmentFault 思否团队也是中国区最大的黑客马拉松 Hackathon 创新力赛事组织者。 腾讯、阿里、百度、美团、京东、滴滴、360等上千个技术团队已经入驻思否社区,我们也欢迎热爱技术的你一起加入交流与学习。
84.09 2.40 06:56
The RiteSite for Executive Recruiters and Executive Jobs
RiteSite is an executive jobs, employment, and career management site for executives earning $100,000 to $1 Million+ and for retainer executive recruiters, search firms, and employers with the highest ethical standards as described in the world's #1 bestselling book on executive careers, Rites of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+ by John Lucht. Both free and paid services, with free access to executive jobs and resumes databases.
n/a 3.70 n/a
CommitStrip | The blog relating the daily life of web agency developers
The blog relating the daily life of web agency developers
n/a 2.60 n/a
互联网CTO–深度关注互联网技术,互联网,移动互联网,互联网技术,CTO,首席技术官,SNS,Web2.0,Games,移动,手机,Mobile,Social Media,互联网动态,科技博客,互联网博客
n/a 26.00 n/a
Submit resume and upload resume to apply for job vacancies in IT Sector
Tech IT Jobs, Java, Ror, Asp.Net, Perl, Python, Php, Android, Oracle, SAP, UI/UX, CTO, Architect, Consultant, Developer
68.02 4.61 04:27
Remote Jobs in Programming, Design, Sales and more
Looking for a remote job? Remote OK® has 44,688+ remote jobs as a Developer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Sales Professional, Project Manager and more! Find a career where you can work remotely from anywhere.
55.39 3.00 07:42
All Startup Jobs in Barcelona
See 1000s of startup jobs at the best startups in Barcelona. Apply privately with one click. No recruiters, no spam. 500+ startups.
n/a 3.70 n/a
CISO Platform
Membership is free for Senior Security Executives (CIO/CISO/VP-IT/Head IT...etc.) Membership is subject to CISO Platform approval process.
n/a 9.10 n/a
인썸니아 - INSOMENIA 스타트업 전문 개발사
인썸니아는 웹서비스/모바일앱 개발이 필요한 스타트업을 위해 직접 개발, 컨설팅, 채용까지 다양한 방법으로 지원하고 있습니다. 시간 단위로 CTO급, 시니어급, 쥬니어급 개발자 및 디자이너를 채용할 수 있습니다
n/a 3.00 n/a
IndustryWeek leads senior manufacturing executives through business issues, strategies, trends, technology, and best practices. IW is the manufacturing authority.
85.39 1.50 17:43
eNet硅谷动力 - 回到起点,承兑初心
75.76 1.60 00:37
KissFire - 让创业路上的每一次遇见都意义非凡
n/a 30.00 n/a
Cardiac Interventions Today
News and information on minimally invasive coronary disease therapies, covering valvular, structural, radial access, chronic total occlusion, and imaging issues.
31.58 1.80 05:25
Jason Graves - Achiever, Focus, Futuristic, Learner, Maximizer, Strategic
n/a 1.20 n/a
IT Recruitment: Infrastructure, RDBMS, Development & ERP
Resource Solutions Group provides specialist recruitment services for the Australian IT industry. Three specialised IT divisions: Infrastructure Resource Solutions, RDBMS Resource Solutions and ERP Resource Solutions. We are well placed to service all of your IT recruitment needs.
n/a 3.10 n/a
About - Jesal Gadhia
Seasoned full-stack developer from sunny Los Angeles. Started my programming adventures at an early age, writing code for fun.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Icalia Labs
Crafting Amazing Software to empower your Business, users, startups, customers
n/a 1.60 n/a
VideoBasedTutorials.com - Techniques for media professionals
Digital Media Application Training Videos produced by Expert Users.
n/a 1.30 n/a
Startup Jobs - Search for Job Offers with JobFluent
1000s of startup jobs at the best startups hubs Europe: Berlin, London, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam. No recruiters, no spam.
n/a 2.30 n/a
iTWire - Technology News, Technology Jobs Australia
iTWire Technology News & Jobs Australia
55.24 1.62 00:51
GCN - Technology, Tools, and Tactics for Public Sector IT
Daily news about government technology and military computing, plus computer hardware/software reviews.
GCN delivers technology ***sments, recommendations, and case studies to support Public Sector IT managers who are responsible for the specification, e...
88.80 1.00 03:57
Ignition Program est le premier programme de recrutement et d'accélération des hauts potentiels entrepreneuriaux dans les startups les plus prometteuses.
n/a 5.30 n/a
digitalfacility.com - News, Features and Essential Information for production professionals
ITBusinessNet.com - wide variety of news, features and essential information for IT professionals.
n/a 1.10 n/a
朝日インテック株式会社 | ASAHI INTECC CO., LTD.
n/a 2.00 n/a
This is a knowledgebase for Mr.Armin Ghasemi Experiences that likes to share with world hope to useful for someone else.
n/a 7.00 n/a
Not Found
Award-Winning Global Digital Recruitment Specialists. Helping our candidates and clients across Design, DevOps, Software Engineering, Data and Product Management roles. Trust our network, trust our people, Trust in SODA.
n/a 2.00 n/a
De Apple-expert van Nederland | YourMacStore
De voordeligste online Apple-expert van Nederland met maar liefst 3 jaar garantie op Apple. Groot assortiment, scherpe prijzen en een persoonlijke en betrouwbare service.
37.50 1.60 02:29
CIOL - Information Technology News, IT News, Computer Technology News India, Enterprise Technology, Enterprise News, SMB News, Hot Tech Topic news, Digital Transformation, Governance, IOT, Mobile Apps
CIOL.COM is India's premier business technology community network. CIOL has become the must-visit destination of Top IT professionals, vendors, solution providers, CIOs and CEOs of Indian enterprises. CIOL provides premium Technology news and views for SMB, enterprises, gadget enthusiasts and all those looking for IT products, services and solutions. CIOL also provides deep-dive content for hot topics such as Android, Cloud, Storage, Security, Open source, Networking, Semicon, ESDM and GreenIT.
44.93 1.92 00:32
Corporate IT | Noticias Tecnología y Negocios para CIOs
Noticias del sector coprotativo. CIO
Noticias para el CIOs, CFOs, CEOs, Gerentes de IT, Jefe de sistemas y personal IT especializado de empresas medianas y grandes.
n/a 3.70 n/a
n/a 2.00 n/a