'Computing' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Computing'

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Cloud Computing Management Platform by RightScale
With the RightScale Cloud Computing Management Platform, you can more easily deploy and manage business-critical applications on the cloud with new levels of automation, control, and portability.
n/a 7.70 n/a
Jobs | Job Search | Job Vacancies on jobs.ac.uk
Search for jobs and studentships in science, research, academic and related professions in the UK and abroad. Updated daily with a Jobs by Email alert service and RSS feeds.
Start your UK & international job search for academic jobs, research jobs, science jobs and managerial jobs in leading universities and top...
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The University of Alabama
Founded in 1831 and located in Tuscaloosa, the University of Alabama offers 275 various degrees in over 150 programs of study.
Official Web Site of The University of Alabama. Founded in 1831 as the state's flagship university, UA is a student-centered research university and academic community united in its commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all Alabamians.
41.73 4.10 10:56
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First Directory Ltd - UK Internet Business Directory
Leading UK Internet Business Directory
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Arrow Electronics is a global provider of products, services and solutions to industrial and commercial users of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions.
An electronic components and enterprise computing supplier. Contains company overview, articles and references and reference designs.
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DWI Digital Cameras serves a wide range of consumer electronics such as Cameras, Mobiles, Tablets, Macbooks and R/C Gadgets
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Free Articles, Information Resources | bharatbhasha.net
Free Articles, Information Resources | bharatbhasha.net
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The Personal Blog of Vivek Gite
This is a personal weblog of Vivek about India, Indian spirituality, computing, programming, bollywood movies, science news and much more...
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R: The R Project for Statistical Computing
R, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets, make many graphical displays of data from custom command line, shell has option to save one full environment per working directory. Descriptions, do***ents, downloads. [Open Source, GPL]
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History-Computer - Computing, Gaming, and All of Tech
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Buy Consumer Electronics at Simply Electronics
Simply Electronics has the best prices on all consumer electronics including digital cameras, camcorders, IT Products, Lens and More!
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Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva - FER e-Campus v1
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (FER, ETF)
n/a 3.66 n/a
Shodor: A National Resource for Com***tional Science Education
A non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the advancement of science and math education, specifically through the use of modeling and simulation technologies.
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Microsoft Windows Tips & Tricks, News, Downloads, Customization, Troubleshooting & More
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The best web resource for Top useful solutions in multiple domains such as : Technology, computing, programming, development, gaming, software, operating system, hardware, graphics, security, linux, windows and web.
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Product and software reviews, tech tips and gadgets - Okay Geek
Product and software reviews, tech tips and gadgets - Okay Geek
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C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India
Bangalore, India. Research areas include parallel computing and multilingual technologies. Includes educational programs and conference schedule.
Established in March 1988, as a Scientific Society of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. C-DAC, is primarily an R and D institution involved in the design, development and deployment of advanced Information Technology (IT) based solutions such as Super Computers, Financial and Capital market simulation and modeling, Network and Internet Software, Healthcare, Real Time Systems, eGovernance, Data Warehousing, Digital library, Artificial Intelligence and Natural language processing and so on...
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Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary
Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for? The answer is here
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Home | BOINCstats/BAM!
Detailed statistics for the BOINC distributed computing project
Detailed user, host, team and country statistics with charts for BOINC,SETI@Home,Climate Prediction,LHC@Home,Einstein@Home,BURP,SZTAKI Desktop Grid,PrimeGrid,Rosetta@Home,World Community Grid,SETI@Home Beta,Leiden Classical,RALPH@Home,WEP-M+2 Project,GPUGRID,Cosmology@Home,yoyo@home,Enigma@Home,MilkyWay@home,MindModeling@Home,Gerasim@Home,Quake Catcher Network,DrugDiscovery@Home,Collatz Conjecture,NFS@Home,RNA World,DistributedDataMining,WUProp@Home,CAS@HOME,Primaboinca,Moo! Wrapper,YAFU,NumberFields@home,SAT@home,RADIOACTIVE@HOME,Albert@Home,VGTU project@Home,Asteroids@home,FiND@Home,POGS (theSkyNet),TN-Grid,Citizen Science Grid,SRBase,Universe@Home,DENIS@Home,LHCathome-dev,GoofyxGrid@Home NCI,XANSONS for COD,Amicable Numbers,Stop@home,Duchamp Sourcefinder,Acoustics@home,Climate@Home,ODLK,RakeSearch,ODLK1
n/a 5.40 n/a