'Clickfire' trends

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Affiliate Marketing Software - clickfire
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New York-based Click 3X produces cutting-edge visual solutions for commercials, feature films, television, music videos and broadcast clients around the globe. Founded in 1993, Click 3X has become the preeminent digital studio led by artists, yet supported by one of the most technologically advanced studios in the industry. With award-winning design, powerful visual effects, and a visionary animation team, Click 3X has worked on such diverse projects as Jonathan Demme's unconventional feature do entary on Jimmy Carter entitled, Man From Plains; Animal Collective's Peacebone video directed by Tim Saccenti; and Time Warner's video instillation, Home Of The Future which was showcased on the Time Warner building in NYC. Additionally, Click 3X recently launched an interactive design studio titled ClickFire Media. CFM is an interactive design studio specializing in multi-platform, media-rich creative campaigns. CFM partners with agencies and entertainment industry clients in the conceptualization, design and development of fully-integrated, consistently branded experiences. Through insight and innovation, CFM combines that latest interactive technologies with the best design, video, animation and live action s s from Click 3x to deliver integrated solutions in the ever-developing media landscape.
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