'Bpmn' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Bpmn'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Ideal Modeling & Diagramming Tool for Agile Team Collaboration
All-in-one UML, SysML, BPMN Modeling Platform for Agile, EA TOGAF ADM Process Management. Try it Free today!
50.30 3.88 03:23
n/a 0.00 n/a
BPMN Workflow Engine
Camunda is an open source platform for workflow and business process automation.
n/a 3.20 n/a
OMG | Object Management Group
Distributed object computing industry standards group founded in 1989. Defined standards include CORBA and IIOP.
Welcome to the website of the Object Management Group. We are celebrating 25 years of setting the standard! The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, OMG, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium industry standards consortium. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG s modeling standards enable powerful visual design, *** and maintenance of software and other processes. On this index page you will find links to upcoming events, specifications, news, and other resources.
60.32 1.90 02:59
Business Process Management, Everything BPM
The Business Process Incubator (BPI) is an online resource with the goal of sparking to life the promises of Business Process Management (BPM). BPI enables BPM practitioners to: Do: actions on files and artifacts using various BPM standards. Share: files and artifacts using various BPM standards. Learn: about various BPM standards and related topics. Tools: enabling various BPM standards.
n/a 4.40 n/a
MINX - Softwarelösungen für BPM, CRM, ITSM
MINX Software und Service ist Ihr Produktpartner für BPM, CRM, ITSM und SOP
n/a 7.40 n/a
Web-based tooling for BPMN, DMN and CMMN | bpmn.io
An open toolkit to model and embed BPMN 2.0 diagrams
n/a 3.20 n/a
Modelio Open Source - UML and BPMN free modeling tool
Modelio - An open source UML / BPMN modeling tool providing an extension system to add new functionalities such as do***entation / code generation and reverse engineering or new languages (SysML, SoaML, ...).
n/a 2.90 n/a
Model-Based Business Engineering - BPMN, CMMN,DMN - Methodik und Wissen
Model-Based Business Engineering by Juergen Pitschke - Wissen über Erstellen, Pflegen, Nutzen von Unternehemensmodellen
n/a 16.00 n/a
Scala IT Solutions, IBM Premier Business Partner
A Scala IT Solutions é parceira IBM Premier, especializada em soluções SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), ECM (Enterprise Content Management), BPM (Business Process Management), Social Business e Colaboração, BRMS (Business Rules Management Systems), BI (Business Intelligence ), BA (Business ***ytics), Engenharia de Software, Gerenciamento, Qualidade e Governança de Dados, Governança de TI, Monitoração, Backup, Segurança e Gestão Integrada de Serviços atuando em todas as linhas de software IBM, como WebSphere, Lotus (ICS), Rational, Information Management (IM), Cognos, Smarter Commerce, Tivoli tanto no licenciamento do software como na execução de serviços como Alocação de Recursos Técnicos, ***sment, Consultoria, Implementação e Implantação e Suporte Técnico.
n/a 3.30 n/a
Soyatec - Open Solution Company: XAML for Java, UML for Eclipse and BPMN designer
Eclipse - Soyatec - Open Solution Company
n/a 2.80 n/a
UMLモデリングツール Enterprise Architect(エンタープライズ アーキテクト) - EA
Enterprise Architect(エンタープライズアーキテクト)はUMLやBPMN,SysMLなどに対応した低価格で多機能なUMLモデリングツールです。
n/a 5.40 n/a
UTI:UML教育研究所 UML・BPMの世界標準OMG認定資格をとろう!
n/a 2.00 n/a
BPM-Guide.de – Workflow, BPMN
Aktuelle Tutorials und Fachbeiträge zu den Themen Business Process Management und Workflow-Management. [D-10961 Berlin]
BPM-Guide.de is the corporate blog from Camunda. We blog about BPMN, Workflow Automation and our company.
n/a 1.60 n/a
UMTP Japan -
n/a 1.50 n/a
Content Services Platform for Enterprises | QFlow Systems
Is your organization ready to go paperless? QFlow can help transform your organization with a Content Service Platform tailored to you. We are experts when it comes to electronic content management!
n/a 2.00 n/a
Le Portail des chefs de projets
Présente cette méthode et son application.
PUMA, projet, XP, méthode agile, SOA, BPM, Conduite, Pilotage, Gestion, Urbanisation, XML, XMI,OCL, BPEL, BPMN, UDDI, WSDL, SOAP, WEB service, Organisation, Processus unifié, EssUP, Essential Unified Process, PUMA, Méthode RAD, Méthodes agiles, BPMS, Processus, Système d'information
n/a 1.40 n/a
urbanisation-si, modelisation-metier, processus-metier, expression-des-besoins
Ce blog traite de manière pédagogique de l'urbanisation du Système d'Information, des principes d'agilité de l'urbanisme SI, de la modélisation des processus métier et de l'expression des besoins.
65.85 1.50 03:09
BPM tips | Practical BPM tips for business process ***ysts and process managers
Strategy is often seen as toy for the top managers - something too high level to have any practical application. However according to the quote often
n/a 1.30 n/a
Visual Paradigm in D.A.CH. - MINX Software und Service
Visual Paradigm Suite is a collection of application for software development and modeling supporting UML, ERD, Business Modeling and much more. Visual Paradigm can be integrated in Eclipse, JBuilder, .NET and other leading IDEs.
MINX Software und Service ist Partner von Visual Paradigm Intl. in den deutsprachigen Ländern und Europa seit 2005
n/a 1.50 n/a
Centro de Alta Capacitación en Tecnologías de la Información
CAC-TI se especializa en impartir cursos oficiales de las prin***les y más reconocidas tecnologías, metodologías y marcos de referencias de TI.
87.59 1.40 00:22
Praktycznie o UML, BPMN, Archimate oraz Enterprise Architect
Praktyczne wykorzystanie UML, BPMN, Archimate oraz Enterprise Architect w architekturze korporacyjnej, modelowaniu procesów i systemów.
n/a 1.90 n/a
هوشکار پرداز | نرم افزار های مالی، حسابداری، صنعتی، بهای تمام شده
شرکت هوشکار پرداز با رویکرد هوش تجازی و استفاده از تکنولوژی های نوین و بروز توانسته نرم افزارهای بروز و کارآمدی را در قالب سه مجموعه یاراد، سایان و فنک به ترتیب برای کسب و کارهای کوچک، کسب و کارهای متوسط و رو به رشد و همچنین کسب و کارها و سازمان های بزرگ ارائه دهد.
n/a 3.20 n/a
L'esprit et la qualité du service
Cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans l'expertise pour le marché de l'informatique dans les domaines de conseil en ressources humaines, de délégation de compétences et de services.
Réalisation de projets complexes nécessitant l’intégration de technologies différentes avec une haute qualité de résultat. Expertise dans la GED, ECM, dématérialisation, BPM, Sharepoint, Vaadin. Développement spécifique JAVA , Angular JS..
18.48 2.00 00:35
A platform of highly efficient components that accelerate digital transformation
EBS.io offers a platform of efficient components to accelerate digital transformation. Reusable components, low code implementation, and custom development allow for software to be delivered faster. You can design, train, automate, and collaborate with your team like never before. With our low-code engine, you can transform your business process into applications without writing a single line of code.
15.17 11.44 09:50
Yaren IT
Yaren IT Consulting & Engineering
n/a 0.00 n/a
BPMN工房 | 【連載】業務フロー入門
BPMNの特徴を活かして業務フローを描くコツを解説する「BPMN流 業務フロー入門」をメインとした情報提供サイトです。業務プロセス管理(BPM)に関する話題についても触れていきたいと思います。
n/a 0.00 n/a
BPMN Information Home
BPMN Information Home
n/a 3.00 n/a
300Mètres - Cabinet de conseil en organisation et en système d’Information
n/a 0.00 n/a
Oxiane - Cabinet de conseil et de formation NTIC
Oxiane est un organisme indépendant de formation et de conseil, spécialiste de l'Usine Logicielle et des Architectures SOA (UML2, Java/JEE, MDA, WebServices BPEL ...). Le site présente notamment le catalogue en ligne et le calendrier des stages.
n/a 3.00 n/a