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Pelikan – Writing Instruments, Fountain pens, Printer supplies & Office products
Time and styles p , the brand remains untouched! Welcome to Pelikan, the internationally renowned German trademark which accompanies you through your whole life. Whether at kindergarten or in every school life at the office or when printing out your pictures and do ents While pursuing a Hobby or while performing the noblest form of personal communication – writing with a high-cl writing instrument Innovative products are your trusted companions. With a company history going back 170 years Pelikan is one of the oldest registered trademarks in the world. From the past we gather strength for the future which we shall continue to form to your advantage. We are delighted that you visited the Pelikan Portal   News from Pelikan: Position Paper on Pelikan Colorella Star Fibre Tip Pens Besides the superior quality of its products, Pelikan also places uppermost priority on ecological and health safety. The company’s own R&D centre and production plant in Peine in conjunction with the stringent internal and external quality controls applied serve to underline this outlook. As leading manufacturer of paper, office and writing utensils, we do not only orient ourselves to legislation, but also to in-house standards that in fact reach out far beyond any legal specification. In a test carried out for the Austrian “Der Konsument”, the plastic sheath of the Pelikan Colorella Star fibre tip pen was checked for heavy metals. The Pelikan fibre tip Colorella Star pen complies with the stringent provisions of EN-71 and the Toy Directive. The lead and chrome levels detected in Colorella Star are well below the limits specified by law, in fact by more than 90%. Consequently there is no danger or health hazard when using the Pelikan fibre tip pens. However, complaints received have trigg
n/a 4.00 n/a
Home - AMP
Welcome to the home of Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc. We provide examination services and ociation management.
n/a 5.90 n/a
Seminar Topics Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract
Seminar Topics Project Ideas:Abstract Report On Computer Science,Electronics,Electrical Engineering,Mechanical,Civil,Information Technology(ppt,Abstract,Report,Topics,Informations)
n/a 1.66 n/a
Applied.com Industrial Supply, Industrial Bearings, Material Handling, Power Transmission, Fluid Power Products | Applied Industrial Technologies | Applied.com | Applied.com
Shop Applied Industrial Technologies for MRO supplies, tools, and industrial equipment, including fluid power, bearings and power transmission products.
n/a 2.90 n/a
Game Oven is a Dutch game studio making games that make you sweat.
n/a 3.90 n/a
Welcome to Applied Science University. The largest Private Higher Education University in Jordan. ASU goes back in history to more than twenty years; it encompasses nine colleges and twenty seven specializations; it includes studies centers and has a sister hospital and a school. Its teaching staff amounts to three hundred and nineteen serving 8,000 enrolled students. The University of Applied Science in Shafa Badran area within the Greater Amman Municipality on a piece of land (356) acres. The University follows the Arab Company for International Education & Investment. The study began at the university as of 19/10/1991, after obtaining a license as of 10/07/1989, and the number of students enrolled at the time (396) students, and the number of colleges, which began the study three faculties, namely Arts and Sciences and the economy, and included (14) majors. Now, would include the University (9) nine colleges, is the Arts and Humanities, and Law and Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering, and Allied Health Sciences, and information technology, nursing, arts and design. The number of disciplines taught by these schools (27) majors at the undergraduate level, in addition to the master's program in accounting. At the University Dean for Student Affairs and other scientific research and graduate studies. And enrolled at the university about (8000) students belong to approximately (50) Arab countries, Islamic and foreign. The number of faculty members for the academic year 2009/2010 (319) members, of whom (229) as a member of PhDs, whereas the number of scholarships now (33) scholarship for a doctoral degree from the universities of Arab, Asian, European and U.S. are different. The total area of the university buildings around (120) thousand square meters, spread over eight buildings of the faculties of the Academy, and the building of the university president and the registration of students, and the building of the Public Library in the university, which exceeded its stock of books, scientific, literary (120) A book, a high percentage of scientific books English in the latest editions, in addition to the building of the Deanship of Student Affairs (compound activities), and the building of the animal, and stores hazardous materials, and the building of restaurants, university, conference center Arab, and the stadium soccer Olympian and the sports hall roofs (Hall Hussein), which can accommodate (7) thousands person stands on the mobile, in addition to kiosks spread among the colleges and university facilities. There are also playgrounds and open fields for playing games, tennis, soccer, volleyball and basketball, in addition to existing activities in complex activities Kalpoling and martial arts and bodybuilding, steam baths and sauna. The University Rphit this expansion by providing scientific laboratories, workshops and ceremonies of more than (160) laboratory and a workshop and studio, in addition to the Museum of herbs in the College of . System was built to study in the university system of credit hours (American system) within two semesters Ajparien and an optional summer semester. And is characterized by teaching at the University of linking theory to practice in all disciplines, the university has been allocated for practical training credit hours are not mandatory graduate student until he gets it. The University collaborates with many governmental and private institutions in the implementation of the training of students. The University offers its students and medical service in the University Clinic Hospital, Ibn al-Haytham and the number of hospitals, doctors and pharmacies adopted. And other facilities located within the campus mosque and the branch of Arab Bank, post office, libraries, selling stationery and books. And transport network linked to the university with various areas of the capital and a number of major cities of Jordan, as has a fleet of buses in number about seventy bus service is based on students paying quarterly symbolic. University and a member of the Association of Arab Universities and the Union of Islamic Universities and the International Association of Universities and the Association of Arab-European institutions and the Arab Organization responsible for the admission and registration. Linked to the university relations and cultural cooperation and twinning agreements with several foreign universities and Arabic, which makes it easier for students to continue their higher studies. It is also the University of Applied Science University in the first region to receive the quality management system certificate ISO 9001:2000. University has emerged so far (15) regiment, the number of members to more than (21 250) twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty students from various colleges and disciplines تقع جامعة العلوم التطبيقية الخاصة في منطقة شفا بدران ضمن حدود أمانة عمان الكبرى على قطعة أرض مساحتها (356) دونماً. وتتبع الجامعة للشركة العربية الدولية للتعليم والاستثمار. بدأت الدراسة في الجامعة بتاريخ 19/10/1991م وذلك بعد حصولها على الترخيص بتاريخ 10/7/1989م، وكان عدد الطلبة المسجلين آنذاك (396) طالباً وطالبة، وكان عدد الكليات التي بدأت فيها الدراسة ثلاث كليات، هي الآداب والعلوم والاقتصاد، واشتملت على (14) تخصصاً. أما الآن، فتضم الجامعة (9) تسع كليات، هي الآداب والعلوم الانسانية، والحقوق، والاقتصاد والعلوم الادارية، والهندسة، والصيدلة، والعلوم الطبية المساعدة، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، والتمريض، والفنون والتصميم. ويبلغ عدد التخصصات التي تدرسها هذه الكليات (27) تخصصاً على مستوى البكالوريوس، بالاضافة الى برنامج الماجستير في المحاسبة. وفي الجامعة عمادة لشؤون الطلبة وأخرى للبحث العلمي والدراسات العليا. ويلتحق في الجامعة حوالي (8000) طالباً وطالبة ينتسبون لما يقارب (50) بلداً عربياً وإسلامياً وأجنبياً. وقد بلغ عدد أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية للعام الجامعي 2009/2010 (319) عضواً، منهم (229) عضواً من حملة الدكتوراه، فيما يبلغ عدد المبتعثين الآن (33) مبتعثاً للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعات عربية وآسيوية وأوروبية وأمريكية مختلفة. تبلغ المساحة الكلية لمباني الجامعة حوالي (120) ألف متر مربع، موزعة على ثمانية مبانٍ للكليات الأكاديمية، ومبنى لرئاسة الجامعة وتسجيل الطلبة، ومبنى للمكتبة العامة في الجامعة التي تجاوز رصيدها من الكتب العلمية والأدبية (120) ألف كتاب، نسبة عالية منها من الكتب العلمية بالانجليزية في أحدث طبعاتها، بالاضافة الى مبنى عمادة شؤون الطلبة (مجمع النشاطات)، ومبنى الحيوان، ومستودعات المواد الخطرة، ومبنى مطاعم الجامعة، ومركز المؤتمرات العربي، وستاد كرة القدم الأولومبي، والقاعة الرياضية المسقوفة (صالة الحسين) والتي تتسع لـ(7) آلاف شخص على مدرجات متحركة، بالاضافة الى الأكشاك المنتشرة بين كليات الجامعة ومرافقها. كما يوجد ملاعب وساحات مكشوفة لممارسة ألعاب التنس الأرضي وكرة القدم وكرة الطائرة وكرة السلة، بالاضافة الى الأنشطة الموجودة في مجمع النشاطات كالبولينغ وألعاب الدفاع عن النفس وكمال الأجسام وحمامات البخار والساونا. وقد رفدت الجامعة هذا التوسع بتوفير المختبرات العلمية والمشاغل والمراسم التي يزيد عددها عن (160) مختبراً ومشغلاً ومرسماً، بالاضافة الى متحف الأعشاب في كلية الصيدلة. وقد بني نظام الدراسة في الجامعة على نظام الساعات المعتمدة (النظام الأمريكي) ضمن فصلين دراسيين اجباريين وفصل دراسي صيفي إختياري. ويتميز التدريس في الجامعة بربط النظرية بالتطبيق في جميع التخصصات، وقد خصصت الجامعة للتدريب التطبيقي ساعات معتمدة إلزامية لا يتخرج الطالب حتى يحصل عليها. وتتعاون الجامعة مع العديد من المؤسسات الحكومية والأهلية في تنفيذ تدريب الطلبة. وتقدم الجامعة لطلبتها الخدمة الطبية وذلك في عيادة الجامعة ومستشفى إبن الهيثم وعدد من المستشفيات والأطباء والصيدليات المعتمدة. وترتبط الجامعة بشبكة مواصلات مع مختلف مناطق العاصمة وعدد من المدن الأردنية الرئيسية، إذ تملك أسطولاً من الحافلات عددها حوالي سبعين حافلة تقوم على خدمة الطلبة بأجور فصلية رمزية. والجامعة عضو في إتحاد الجامعات العربية وإتحاد الجامعات الاسلامية والاتحاد الدولي للجامعات ورابطة المؤسسات العربية الأوروبية والمنظمة العربية للمسؤولين عن القبول والتسجيل. وترتبط الجامعة بعلاقات ثقافية وإتفاقيات توأمة وتعاون مع العديد من الجامعات الأجنبية والعربية مما يسهل على الطلبة مواصلة دراستهم العليا. كما تعتبر جامعة العلوم التطبيقية الخاصة أول جامعة في المنطقة تحصل على شهادة نظام إدارة الجودة ISO 9001:2000. وقد خرجت الجامعة حتى الآن (15) فوجاً وصل عدد أفرادها إلى ما يزيد عن (21250) إحدى وعشرين ألفاً ومائتان وخمسون طالباً وطالبة من مختلف الكليات والتخصصات.
n/a 5.50 n/a
KatHO: Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen
Die KatHO NRW ist eine Hochschule mit sechs Fachbereichen an vier Abteilungen in Aachen, Köln, Münster und Paderborn. Die Website bietet Angaben zu Forschung und Lehre sowie eine Beschreibung der Fachbereiche.
Die Katholische Hochschule NRW bietet die Fachgebiete Sozialwesen, Gesundheitswesen und Theologie an den Standorten Köln, Münster, Aachen und Paderborn.
n/a 4.80 n/a
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n/a 8.00 26:11
Top IT Consulting Firm: Custom Technology Solutions | AIS
Applied Information Sciences
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Dédié aux mathématiques appliquées et à l'analyse numérique sous GNU/Linux.
n/a 1.00 n/a
We are counted as a prominent importer, distributor, exporter and stockist of a wide range of Agricultural and Electrical Measuring Instrument. These products are used in , plant & machinery, agriculture and electronic industries.
n/a 8.60 n/a
M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
M.S.Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences a top Research and Innovation oriented Academic institution is based out of Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India. This top-notch Academia of India has to offer the best in class infrastructure and teaching methodologies to facilitate overall development of the students ensuring a well rounded and an Outcome based education system.
n/a 3.10 n/a
Applied Materials | Semiconductor, Display and Solar
Supplier of semiconductor processing equipment.
Applied Materials, Inc. is the global leader in materials engineering solutions for the semiconductor, flat panel display and solar photovoltaic (PV) industries.
89.37 2.40 27:06
Display Solutions by Glimm
Manufacturer of projection screens, films and other high tech display solutions.
27.27 2.00 04:38
The MarkFoster.NETwork™ Publications Portal   :::   MF.N   :::   A Sociological Study of Unities
The MarkFoster.NETwork™ (MF.N™) is A Social Constructionist Cybersociology Project.
n/a 1.10 n/a
Applied Behavior Analysis What is ABA?
Use Applied Behavior Analysis to help your child with Autism
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Vivian Cook SLA researcher Newcastle upon Tyne
Home page for Vivian Cook, SLA researcher and writer on language in the UK
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Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
n/a 1.10 n/a
78.22 1.40 00:23
HawkSoft Home Page
The HawkSoft Client Management System provides the independent insurance agency with the tools they need to manage their paper, their customer and their agency. HawkSoft Client Management System takes the guess work out of technology and allows you to put automation to work for you.
n/a 2.20 n/a
Applied Home Healthcare Equipment
Applied Home Healthcare Equipment is an oxygen equipment manufacturer known for having expertise in home oxygen filling and equipment.
n/a 1.40 n/a
SEC Home - State Examination Commission
Leaving certificate results from the Department of Education.
State Examination Commission, responsible for the development, assessment, accreditation and certification of the second-level examinations of the Irish state: the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate.
n/a 3.00 n/a
The Acagamic » usable game science, research, technology « Professor Blog
In The Acagamic, Lennart Nacke blogs about game science and affective ludology, user experience (UX), eye tracking, psychophysiology, playability and human
47.62 1.20 03:55
Indonesian Food Technologist® (IFT)Indonesian Food Technologists®
Indonesian Food Technologists® (IFT) | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan | Journal of Applied Food Technology
n/a 1.60 n/a
Anthro TECH, LLC: Making Technology Matter to People
Anthro TECH: Making Technology Matter to People
n/a 1.00 n/a
African Association of Agricultural Economists | AAAE
The African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) is an association of Agricultural economists and other professionals with special interest in agricultural economic issues and affairs, working in agriculture and broadly related fields of applied economics, and issues related to policy and improving the productivity of African agriculture. Every three years, AAAE conducts the Triennial International Conference participated by agricultural economists, development practitioners, policymakers, academicians, researchers, and students from all over the world.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Sant Baba Bhag Singh University is one of the best universities in North India. It provide various courses for the budding youth of today's generation in a lush green and pollution free environment. Courses like engineering, management, agriculture, multimedia, computer applications, nursing, BEd, are available here.
n/a 2.40 n/a
Giddy.org | Resources in finance
Courses, seminars, articles and other resources in finance
n/a 1.00 n/a
HAWKS Racing
1.46 0.36 01:49
Industrial Supplies | Applied Industrial Technologies | New Zealand
Applied Industrial Technologies began entry into Australia and New Zealand in 2012 and is celebrating 95 years as a leader distributor of industrial supplies.
52.99 0.03 n/a