'Addin' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Addin'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Productivity and Brand Compliance Add-ins for Excel, PowerPoint & Word | Macabacus
The leading suite of productivity and brand compliance Office add-ins improves financial modeling and presentation (e.g., pitchbook, investor deck) preparation efficiency. Compare to FactSet (DealMaven), Cap IQ, and UpSlide to see why Macabacus is the industry standard for investment banking, private equity, corporate finance, accounting, and wealth management.
73.48 2.50 04:20
CodeSmith Tools
A freeware template-based code generator that can generate code for any ASCII-based language. CodeSmith templates use a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET syntax so that creating templates should feel immediately familiar to ASP.NET developers.
n/a 2.10 n/a
Mark van de Moosdijk. The page with lots of usefull freeware like, Lookout, Adobe SpeedUp, Desktopsidebar and more ... Handy Excel VBA script and programs can also be found here.
n/a 1.00 n/a
100+ PowerPoint Shortcuts & Keyboard Commands | PowerPoint Shortcut Tools
Get 100+ additional PowerPoint shortcuts with PowerPoint ShortcutTools - efficiently design your presentations with PowerPoint shortcut keys.
70.00 1.00 00:11
MTF Online - Majelis Tafaqquh Fiddin
Majelis Tafaqquh Fiddin (MTF)
n/a 1.40 n/a
Monte Carlo Excel Addin
This Excel Addin aids in Monte Carlo ***ysis. The Mersenne Twister algorithm generates pseudo random numbers whose distribution follows statistical functions such as Exponential, Normal, & Weibull
n/a 4.00 n/a
Home - Skinners Online
Online home of the Skinners and Ian's Excel Addin
25.00 1.00 01:39
Ad-din Welfare Centre
Ad-Din is investing in human health and microfinance programs under the Islamic Shariah to engage the most marginalized women in health care, health education, general education, training and income-generating activities for the extremely poor and disadvantaged. Going to work relentlessly.
n/a 4.50 05:28
WndTabs.com -- Resources For Visual C++ Developers. Home of the WndTabs Visual C++ add-in, offering useful code and tools for VC++ and VS.NET developers.
100.00 1.00 n/a
Symprex - Outlook & Exchange Add-on Solutions and Products
Symprex: Corporate Outlook & Exchange Email Signature, Disclaimer, Security, Archiving and Collaboration Add-on Solutions and Products.
n/a 3.00 n/a
The PowerPoint FAQ
The PowerPoint FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) site is the place to start when you have PowerPoint questions. You'll find PowerPoint Help, Hints and How-tos, PowerPoint Answers, Add-Ins and ists, PowerPoint Tips, Tricks and links to other PowerPoint sites.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Outlook©- und Exchange©-Add-Ons von den Experten
Outlook©- und Exchange©Server-Add-Ons von den Experten - aus und für Praxis...
n/a 3.00 n/a
PPTools - Power Tools for the PowerPoint Power User
n/a 3.00 n/a
Outlook Netzwerk ohne Exchange, Gruppenkalender und Outlook Kalender freigeben, OWA für Microsoft Outlook ohne Exchange
Exchange Alternative für Kleinbetriebe und Arbeitsgruppen, netzwerkfähiges Outlook zur zentralen Verwaltung von Kontakten, Kalender, Posteingang, etc. Outlook Vernetzung für kleine Netze. Public ShareFolder.
n/a 3.00 n/a
TAPICall - CTI für Outlook - kostenlos testen! Kontakt-Popup, Journaleinträge mit Zeitmessung, Anrufliste etc.
TAPICall erweitert Ihr Outlook um tolle Telefoniefunktionen. ses AddIn öffnet bei ankommenden Telefonanrufen den p enden Kontakt und trägt jeden Telefonanruf mit Zeitmessung in das Journal ein. Testen Sie TAPICall 30 Tage kostenlos. Download hier!
n/a 3.00 n/a
Steve Rindsberg/RDP - PowerPoint Add-ins, PowerPoint FAQ and more
Home of the PowerPoint FAQ, the web's most extensive PowerPoint information/help resource, and PPTools: PowerTools for PowerPoint PowerUsers
n/a 3.00 n/a
Microsoft Office und VBA-Programmierung
Hier erhalten Sie Informationen und Unterstützung rund um Microsoft Office Produkte. Sie finden Diskussionforen, Downloads, Artikel und Workshops zum Thema Microsoft Office und VBA-Programmierung.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Nukeation User Experience products fill the design gap in software teams by providing designer tools for developers.
n/a 3.00 n/a
SYCODE - Software Solutions for Computer Aided Design (CAD)
SYCODE - Software Solutions for Computer Aided Design (CAD)
n/a 3.00 n/a
Inven-Tools / Inven-Tools Watch
Inven-Tools and Inven-Tools Watch, powerful sets of tools for Autodesk Inventor
n/a 0.00 n/a
WebGuide allows you to remotely view live and recorded TV, remotely schedule and manage your recorded television programs and access your music, pictures, videos and DVDs on your Media Center or Windows Vista PC. Install WebGuide and access it from any machine that has a web browser, including your cell phone or mobile device.
n/a 3.00 n/a