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JavaScript Graphics


three.js is a JavaScript library used for creating 3D graphics and interactive visualizations in web browsers. It provides a set of tools and features that make it easier to work with WebGL, a technology that enables hardware-accelerated 3D rendering in browsers.

Key Features:

  • WebGL Abstraction: three.js abstracts the complexities of WebGL programming, providing a higher-level interface for creating 3D scenes and objects.
  • Scene Management: The library offers tools for creating and managing scenes, cameras, lighting, and other elements essential for building 3D environments.
  • Geometry and Meshes: three.js includes various built-in geometric shapes and mesh types, as well as support for importing 3D models from popular formats.
  • Material and Textures: Users can apply different materials and textures to objects, enabling realistic and visually appealing 3D renderings.
  • Animation: The library supports animations, allowing objects to move, rotate, and change over time.

Use Cases:

  1. Web Development: Developers use three.js to create interactive 3D visualizations, games, virtual tours, and architectural walkthroughs directly within web browsers.
  2. Education: three.js is used to build interactive educational content that helps explain complex concepts through engaging 3D animations.
  3. Product Visualization: Businesses can use three.js to showcase products in 3D on their websites, allowing users to interact and explore items from different angles.


  • Web-Based 3D: three.js enables 3D graphics in web browsers without requiring users to install plugins or additional software.
  • Community and Resources: The library has a large and active community, resulting in extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples.
  • Performance: Leveraging hardware-accelerated rendering through WebGL, three.js can achieve impressive 3D visuals with good performance.

three.js empowers developers to create immersive 3D experiences on the web, making it accessible to a wide range of applications and industries.


three.js is a versatile and powerful JavaScript library that democratizes 3D graphics development for the web. It allows developers to bring 3D visualizations to browsers and provides a rich set of tools for creating interactive and engaging online experiences.