'Wangari maathai' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Wangari maathai'

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Tottenham Trees - Tottenham Trees
Tottenham Trees was formed as a branch of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People. The Charter, which will be launched in 2017, is a call to stop taking trees for granted, recognise and celebrate their huge contribution to our lives, and take responsibi
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Members Project
Members Project
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Suzanna Owiyo Online - Welcome to my World
The official website of Suzanna Owiyo, one of Kenya's finest musicians, with music, videos, lyrics and much more - By SasaHivi Media Ltd.
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Wir Klimaretter - Rückblick 2009
So ist Wende noch zu schaffen
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The Green Belt Movement | Home
The official site of the Green Belt Movement and its founder, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai.
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Green Cross International Headquarters Switzerland Geneva - Non-Governmental Organisation founded by Mikhail Gorbachev
Green Cross International (GCI) is a Geneva-based non-governmental organisation founded by President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993. It focuses on the challenges of security, poverty and the environment. It works to prevent and resolve conflicts over scarce natural resources, ist those affected by the environmental effects of wars and conflicts, and contribute to a genuine value and behaviour shift necessary to build a sustainable global community
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