'Short eats' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Short eats'

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Cook With Chef Duminda - Sri Lankan Chef in Style
Recipes from around the world, meal ideas, cooking advice and cooking video demonstrations by a true Sri lankan Chef. Chef Duminda Abaysiri­war­dena is one of famous Celebrity icon in Sri lanka. And he’s Cre­ative chef as well as great Manager.
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Serendib Foods :: Processed and Frozen Food Items - Sri Lanka
The Serendib Food product range now has over 150 Ready-to-Eat, processed and frozen food items. Embarking on an ambitious plan to introduce Natural Fruit Nectars, we are the first company to offer Belli nectar to both the local and international markets. Today, in the USA, you could order all Serendib Products online at www.niwasa.com. The Company has pioneered producing products that were earlier considered not possible in the Ready-to-Eat food range by introducing real cooked Crab Curry in bottles, Divul Kiri (with Coconut Milk) , Jaadi and ready to eat Kotthu Roti with Chicken or Fish options.
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