'Fourplex owners' trends
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- 1fourplex.org
Fourplex - Beat the high cost of homeownership, let your tenants pay your mortgage. Buy fourplex with only 3.5% Down, historically low interest rates.
You can buy a fourplex with only 3.5% down. Beat the high cost of ownership with owning an living in a fourplex. Works with a duplex or triplex too. FHA loans are at historicly low interest rates.Find a fourple in California, or Los angeles or Boston. Property, california multifamily, los angeles income property, los angeles rent control, los angeles Fourplex, fourplexes, fourplexes for sale, buying fourplexes, buy a fourplex, real estate fourplex, fourplex owners, fourplex plans, fourplex home, fourplex financing.