'Design and engineering' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Design and engineering'

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We are WSP | WSP
Founded in 1885. Major practice areas in energy, environmental and facilities engineering. Over 200 offices worldwide.
n/a 2.60 n/a
Estithmar Holding - Holding The Future.
A comprised of companies working in their individual industry of specialization. The group spans four major clusters in the sectors of services, industries, contracting and healthcare.
59.90 2.14 04:00
A comprised of companies working in their individual industry of specialization. The group spans four major clusters in the sectors of services, industries, contracting and healthcare.
25.18 2.00 08:55
Converis - Rotomoulding, formowanie rotacyjne - Home
Converis sp. z o.o., formowanie rotacyjne i formowanie tworzyw. Firma z dużym doświadczeniem. Converis - rotomolding, rotomoulding, formowanie rotacyjne.
100.00 1.00 n/a
B&G Products: Quality Supplier of Aftermarket *** Mold Machinery Spares & Parts - Home
B&G Products is a worldwide quality supplier of aftermarket *** mold machinery, spares, and parts.
64.81 0.07 n/a
Vapor Technologies Inc. : Vapor Scrubbers, emission control, odor control, air scrubbers, Houston
Vapor Tech is a manufacturer of environmental chemicals and equipment including odor/emission control chemicals, industrial cleaning agents and vapor scrubber systems
n/a 3.00 n/a
Outsource Philippines
Advisory services for outsourcing to Philippines. Outsource to Philippines, consultancy, research and project management.
n/a 3.00 n/a