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Isolanti Termici Ediltec - Thermal Insulation / Isolamento Termico / Poliuretano espanso / Polistirene estruso
[Modena] Produce isolanti termoacustici: poliuretano espanso rigido, polistirene estruso, pannelli accoppiati, sistemi poliuretanici a spruzzo, elementi prefabbricati. Note tecniche, certificazioni, listini e news. (Richiede Flash)
EDILTEC leader del mercato italiano, nel campo dell'isolamento termico per edilizia abitativa e industriale, con la più vasta e completa gamma di prodotti, ed oggi presente in maniera capillare su tutto il territorio ***onale ed europeo tramite molteplici sedi produttive e operative. - EDILTEC , was established in 1988 and over the past 20 years it have become a qualified and efficient organization offering top-performance products in the residential and industrial thermal insulation sector. EDILTEC is a leading company in Italy with the widest range of products. It has a widespread presence across Italy and Europe thanks to its many production sites and branches. EDILTEC is continuing its growth both in terms of quantity and quality thanks to the close cooperation of its team of expert professionals who can boast extensive experience in their market of reference and are always looking for new and optimal solutions to the sector's challenges. EDILTEC aims at becoming more and more specialized in the thermal insulation sector to provide products and services that can meet the needs of the market while complying with regulations on energy saving and environmental protection to the benefit of future generations.